Bethezer: Now that's quite intriguening... So it's more about items that about leveling? It's sure... disappoiting, in a way, that the very max. level doesn't give you that much. :D
It's not entirely correct. Max level Characters have their Int/Str at 5000 or 6000 something while the best weapons give about 3000 something damage. So level is also pretty important. Especially for HP
Bethezer: Not that's more like it. :D But... item/skill jammers? O.o Can you explain?
There are some enemies that make you unable to use items or skills while they live. And they got crazy phys def and are immune against the "Ignore Enemy Traits" skill. Without magic damage you won't be able to outdamage their auto reg. And even then it'll probably the longest fight in the game. You'll also need a Gradual HP recovery chip(famous artist) or The Drill Chip or you'll die because you don't have any way to heal your team.
Bethezer: Although I paused my gameplay to finish Deus Ex: Human Revolution DC (and somehow failed to get Pacifist... now I really want to kill people there), but I would, probably, spend more time on singleplaythrough, because I tend to enjoy everything I can. :D So... going for items, dungeons, plans... and grinding just to get that 'round level'. I would probably end trying to get whole mosterpedia in the game as well.
You only get 3.25GB per Playthrough, so if you want all major plans(Candidates, Colliseum, Laplace eye, Super Exe Drive, Break Damage Limit, Max eq, etc...) you'll need at least 3 anyways. And some add enemies plans can only be obtained by unlocking a dungeon and then being back in chapter 2 and reading chirper events.