B1tF1ghter: Well here's the question: how could Valve prevent usage of network proxies for just Germany (to prevent circumventing the ID checkup) without explicitly yelling "no vpn" at the entire worldwide userbase? (if they would do that then that would majorly suck for several reasons as there ARE legitimate usecases for using vpn with Steam for things different than purchasing)
Also, nagging Steam support to implement it could maybe send a message to them eventually.
And I'm somewhat afraid that if Valve would implement it other countries could go all "oh, me too" and Valve would have to implement per-country separate systems... which would suck for a lot of people...
Also, does the ID system in Germany mean that technically gov knows what age restricted games you play?
If so then it's kind of privacy unfriendly :S
Hey, I'm not the guy to solve Valves problem for them. Or well, if I was, I'd negotioate a salary first... ;)
And no, our government does not have access to our purchases - unless the stores share this information. If they were so inclined, they wouldn't need the link to our ID card for a hard ID on the real person behind the account. Unless you've been paying anonymously with bitcoin, your payment info leads back to you.