tjbaxter: Hotline Miami 2 isn't booting at all in Linux, I have tried both the .DEB and the .TAR archive. I don't get a loading screen or anything...
I am running the latest version of Linux Mint.
Edit: I read that it only has a 64-bit version... is this true?
I am trying to run both the Linux deb install and the tarball archive on two of my Linux machines.
Here is the error from my Linux Mint Debian 64 bit (Linux Mint LMDE 64-bit) machine:
Running Hotline Miami 2 Wrong Number
./HotlineMiami2: symbol lookup error: ./HotlineMiami2: undefined symbol: SDL_GameControllerAddMappingsFromRW
libsdl2-2.0-0 is already installed and at the newest version.
On my other machine, running Debian 64 bit, receives this error.
Running Hotline Miami 2 Wrong Number
./HotlineMiami2: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
This computer does not have the libsdl2.2-0.0 package installed yet. I'll post my findings as I research this further. The only thing I've found by googling these so far was that it was related to the libsdl2.0.2 package.
Being that both computers are 64 bit, running 64 bit OS's, that should clear up the other questions people have had.
Have not successfully got it to run through WINE yet either.