memedealer03: I'm incredibly new to modding games and I have no idea how I'm supposed to edit the shortcut. I've been throwing everything I know about at this (which isn't a lot) and have gotten nowhere,
If someone could help guide me through the process of setting up the mod to work, that would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you!
What is showing up as broken in the shortcut right now. (Trying to get Homeworld 1 remastered working. this is the shortcut in the .zip file.)
TARGET: "C:\Program Files (x86)\GalaxyClient\Games\Homeworld Remastered\HomeworldRM\Bin\Release\HomeworldRM.exe" -dlccampaign HW1Campaign.big -campaign HomeworldClassic -moviepath DataHW1Campaign -workshopmod 2.3PlayersPatch\2.3PlayersPatch.big
START IN: "C:\Program Files (x86)\GalaxyClient\Games\Homeworld Remastered\HomeworldRM\Bin\Release"
When opening the shortcut properties and clicking apply without touching anything, I'm told the START IN pathway doesn't exist, and the game doesn't have a HomeworldRM.exe file. (this is after reinstalling the game multiple times and checking for the file.)