lukaszthegreat: Doesnt work for me. i can use the shortcut provided to run the game modded but when using galaxy, even when pointing galaxy executable to the shortcut it just runs unmodded 2.1 version.
You can create batch files to run the games from Galaxy. Just create a new text document and put in the following...
For Homeworld 1: @echo off
start /wait "Homeworld 1 Remastered" "HomeworldRM.exe" -dlccampaign HW1Campaign.big -campaign HomeworldClassic -moviepath DataHW1Campaign -workshopmod 2.3PlayersPatch\2.3PlayersPatch.big
For Homeworld 2: @echo off
start /wait "Homeworld 2 Remastered" "HomeworldRM.exe" -dlccampaign HW2Campaign.big -campaign Ascension -moviepath DataHW2Campaign -workshopmod 2.3PlayersPatch\2.3PlayersPatch.big
For Homeworld Multiplayer: @echo off
start /wait "Homeworld Remastered Multiplayer" "HomeworldRM.exe" -workshopmod 2.3PlayersPatch\2.3PlayersPatch.big
Just save the files as HW1.bat, HW2.bat & HWM.bat and move them into the following folder where the HomeworldRM.exe is located:
Now use these batch files to start the games with Galaxy.
Just tell me If you also want a working Galaxy overlay. It's possible but a bit more complicated. :)