Posted November 25, 2014

Really, by the second game they actually lost focus on what Codename 47 was and what I think the series should have been: Play the complete psycho assassin who gets the job done no matter what. Instead, the ideal playthrough has morphed into Splinter Cell without the sci-fi gadgets and if you actually use any of the tools/weapons given you are scorned by the "hardcore" fans and chastised by the game itself.
Absolution is the absolute low for the series where the game is constantly throwing negative red numbers at you for doing cool stuff like the most annoying backseat driver in the world. The only way I could enjoy it was by playing "purist mode" where the HUD is hidden and just play it as cinematically as I can by killing guards cleanly and not worry about the rating. Even then, I could not finish the game because the story is so bad it is goes past the "so bad it is good" point and into "don't waste any time with this garbage" and the mission designs/objectives were simply not enjoyable.
To be clear about one thing, I laboured for a month to get Silent Assassin ratings on every mission on the hardest difficulty setting in Hitman Contracts, I'm not whining because I'm not good at these games. I just want to play it cool and do awesome stuff without the game going tsk tsk tsk the whole time. Playing it like Sam Fisher with a tie only to push the target down a flight of stairs is NOT awesome, if a movie or TV show had an assassination like that on screen people would laugh in disapproval.