Cambrey: Don t take offence Vestin, but if you have to "guess" an overkill or an underkill, then you haven t played the game enough. At least, not enough to know your enemy. HoMM3 is definitely not a "guessing" game :)
None taken. I never played HoMaM hardcorely. And when I did play it - like I said - I grew quite paranoid and played WAY too defensively...
Nevertheless - I intend to hone my skills, as soon as I pass all the campaigns in 1 and 2...
I might retire sooner, however ;).
Cambrey: Concerning initiative, what you are saying makes sense.
Aw, c'mon - are you really sure I make no sense whatsoever with the estimate hints ;) ?
Cambrey: If you have units that attack more often, then you end up playing a completely unbalanced game, because you will quickly neglect others units
I think you make it seem too extreme. You can't rely exclusively on the "hiperactive" units, as they are not that powerful most of the time. As such - you'll want something heavy to tank the retaliation before sending them to action, etc... Except if you outnumber the oponent by a mile.
EDIT: It just hit me - when I mentioned the "estimates", I meant the in-battle ones, not the adventure map ones ! The latter seem pointless, IMO.
Even a casual player as myself can finally get a grip of what he can run over and what will smash him. It's the finer details that got me.
Nah... Who am I kidding ? To be honest - I still manage to get myself into trouble by picking the wrong fights (of course - a LOT less than I used to, back in the day ;). Mostly when I have a support hero with a huge army against the enemy's main hero with significantly less powerful army. I still can get tricked into thinking that my backup dude will fend him off just as well x_x... I guess it's also the influence of the sequels that messes up my calculations. For instance - I was amazed to find out that in HoMaM 1 the peasants were actually USEFUL.