PetrusOctavianus: You need the HD mod to get crisp, non stretched graphics on a modern monitor!
The difference is quite dramatic.
Bookwyrm627: Either my laptop screen is not modern (possible, I suppose, since it is a number of years old), or I just don't even register the black placeholder bars on each side (which happens, and completely doesn't bother me).
I intellectually understand that some people have a large monitor with a different ratio than of old, and they want the whole thing used, but I don't really get it emotionally.
Well, after some testing with making screenshots, it seems the results may depend on your graphics card as well.
On my system vanilla HoMM 3 has stretched, blurry graphics on a widescreen monitor.
With the HD mod I get crisp graphics and black borders.
But taking screenshots with IrfanView or Fraps does not show any stretching.