Ancient-Red-Dragon: I don't care if the image is "stretched," that's great & wonderful!; I just want no black bars, period.
And the Tribes of the East also makes the display much worse because in addition to the black bars eyesore that it introduces, it also makes the text and UI elements become way too small. So I want them to remain big too, like they used to be in the base game, presumably because they are "stretched" to a reasonable size in the base game.
I'm making this reply here in hopes that yourself, Carradice, and/or someone else who knows about these matters, can explain:
How, exactly can I configure my Tribes of the East installation to stretch the game to display across the full screen in exactly the same way as it does in the base game?
In other words, I want to mod my game to
undo whatever changes the devs made in the game's code to remove the stretching in Tribes of the East. I want the stretching back.
I hope someone will provide the information about how to do this, as I find Tribes of the East to be unplayable in it's "non-stretched" default mode.
I came here for the same reason. After playing base and HoF having giant black bars and minuscule text is horrible. Looking it up online there are almost no mentions of this or if there are any solutions for it.
The suggestion by kardaw does work and you don't need external programs, just edit the user_a2.cfg and set the field:
setvar gfx_resolution = 1920x1440
then go to the Nvidia Control Panel (or whatever AMD equivalent) and under Display > Adjust desktop size and position > Scaling mode, set to Full-screen. This will stretch the resolution effectively undoing the black bars/stretching the image just like in the previous games, but in hardware. Do note however this does not work in windowed mode, only fullscreen. Playing windowed uses the actual window size as its internal resolution, ignoring whatever you set under video options in-game, thus, the viewport is no longer properly stretched and suffers the same issues as before.
The only "elegant"/software solution i can think of for this issue is using DXWind and finding the right settings to force this behavior while maintaining your native screen resolution. I have managed to get *some* results by using the above 4:3 cfg resolution and enabling the following inside DXWnd:
No banner (duh)
Window initial position and size X 0 Y 0 W 1920 H 1440
Desktop center
Force win resize
No Taskbar Overlap
Initial resolution 1920 x 1440
"Win resize" is the key which allows you to effectively stretch the window freely, and it just so happens that this does not cause the game to update its internal resolution, so given the initial resolution is set right (4:3), you can manually stretch it to your 16:9 ratio. Avoid making the game window fullscreen as that WILL update the internal resolution and undo your work. When/if this happens the game config updates with the new "gfx_resolution" and "gfx_window_size" and will most likely lose your 4:3 "desired" resolution. Setting it as read-only does nothing, so make sure to overwrite it before every test.
Overall this is very finicky and the game tends to crap the bed and reduce its internal resolution to 800x600 (minimum) if you look at it funny, not to mention the fact that you are now playing windowed and so far any attempts to make it borderless have failed. Maybe someone more knowledgeable can obtain something better than i have managed, but it's a start.
Still a shame we can't enjoy ToTE in the same visual style as the previous two versions. Someone mentioned on another forum that at this point seeing the graphics
not stretched feels wrong and i agree whole-heartedly.