Mephe: Haven't noticed any bugs myself yet, but you might be right about the autosaves. I normally just turn them off anyway. I'm not sure about the version numbers, but I don't think there should be any differences other than the version number itself.
Strictly speaking, it's not the autosave that has a problem. It's the option to save between campaign maps that is broken in the 3.x version of HoMM3 HD (as of this writing on 09/03/2012). So when the game explicitly asks you after beating a campaign map: "Would you like to save your game?" you can say yes and go through the whole save process... but it fails to ACTUALLY save your game.
It's not a HUGE dealbreaker, but it is something to watch out for.
On the plus side, one of the UI changes new to 3.x that I really like is that when you click on a creature dwelling it's as if the game has pre-clicked the "hire as many as possible" button (the one with the arrows). That's a HUGE click-saver right there.