Bookwyrm627: That is true (and you make a good point about gold being in shorter supply). I wonder if my starting areas have usually been open (or weak) enough for me to feel like I can keep making progress with just the troops from those first two heroes.
On reflection, I might also be biased by playing through mostly campaign style maps when I've been playing in the past few months. A handful of troops are fine if you've got plenty of spell support.
From my cursory jaunts through multiple ROE scenarios these past few days, I'm pretty sure I'd need to lower the difficulty to do well in some of them. Just going by map layouts, the availability of loose resources, and which neutrals are guarding what, you'd probably need to build several generators and win battles without losing too much. Again, it really depends on the scenario.
Oddly enough, I enjoyed the ROE campaigns a lot more than many of its SP scenarios. "From Day to Night", "Tunnels and Troglodytes", and "United Front" are probably my Top 3 favorites from those campaigns (although "From Day to Night" often made me pull my hair out).
Bookwyrm627: I'll occasionally kick out a tiny random map, often the smallest possible size and packed with 8 players. Makes for a very brutal, amusing diversion for a few hours. Definitely a scenario to skip straight to creature generators. I don't think I've ever done a random map larger than Medium size; I just have too many games to play, and there are several campaigns and many, many scenarios I haven't tried yet.
Very interesting. I favor Large and Extra Large random maps because both the overland and subterranean levels become very labyrinthine. There are tons of areas to explore and heavily-guarded treasures to claim - all the while keeping the AI at bay. I definitely recommend playing an epically long game once your outside commitments begin to slow down.
Bookwyrm627: Looks like more of our map differences are coming into play; many of the towns I capture will have the Fort already built. Having no Fort isn't unheard of, but it is pre-built more often than not.
I'll focus economic first, unless I need those troops. If I don't expect to keep the town long, then I might not build at all, instead taking whatever it produces before I lose it again.
I'll keep an eye out for those neutral towns next time I play a ROE scenario all the way through. I'm so used to my neutral acquisitions requiring an expensive Fort.
I normally capture my first neutral town when most or all of my initial town's generators have been built. Even though I've probably built my Capitol by then, I'll try to raise my income even further for my mid-/late game push. So long as my primary town is fully-built and generating creatures, I can take more liberties with my neutrals.
Bookwyrm627: I'll never really get into the competitive scene, since it tends to sap some of my fun (I can get too focused on trying to win). When I play, I expect that I will win against the AI eventually, but I could almost certainly improve.
I can understand that, especially now that I'm suffering through
Clash Royale. I never played more than one or two online
HOMM3 games, and I'm content with beating the AI on the highest difficulties. The reason I use more veteran tactics these days is because I used to be belittled and harangued by the top players for playing like a noob. I felt so insulted and humiliated that I forced myself to try earning their respect. I still cannot play at their level, but I feel like I've made significant progress.
Bookwyrm627: How soon do you push for the higher tier mage guilds? I almost never go higher than level 1 Mage Guild for quite a while. Level 2 is doable, but the higher tiers just burn out the special resources too quickly before at least mid-game. I love having them, but I hate paying for them.
Unless I'm playing Rampart, they're usually a low priority for me. I'd have included Dungeon as well, but they're truly awful to play on 200% thanks to the ridiculous Pillar of Eyes. As a general rule, I might start upgrading my Mage Guilds once everything else is built and I have an insane stockpile of rare resources. Speaking of which, higher level Mage Guilds are much easier to build on random maps.
Bookwyrm627: It is usually a delay of one week on the generators which I'd have been able to afford anyway (i.e. NOT a cyclops cave), which doesn't bother me much. I usually don't have an issue knocking out the AI when we meet, and I almost never play against human opponents, so I haven't seen much reason to change back.
I acutely remember the difficulties of trying to buy all those stockpiled creatures, but being broke. Granted, that is mostly ROE maps, with a much younger and less experienced me, and I was probably trying to buy all of everything, but the memory is there. ;)
I guess I've little else to add since you can handle the AI just fine. Just out of curiosity, though: does going economy first on a poorer map ever leave your hero with little to do during the first week? I'm sure there are a few scenarios where you can basically grab all the loose goodies in one or two turns, after which there's only tougher neutrals to fight.
Bookwyrm627: Even with a Castle, you'll only have two extra Wyverns for the next week. Granted, you'll probably have another extra Wyvern over my total if I don't get the Castle up in Week 2, but I expect to have it built by Week 3 regardless (and the Citadel in Week 2). So 3 total extra Wyverns, plus some extra lower tier units.
You don't seem too concerned about being a week behind in troops, which I suppose is okay. As for myself, I like to invoke
The Art of War by not giving my opponent that advantage. Whether we're talking Wyverns or any formidable Level 4-7 creature, I've had more than my fair share of uneven battles. At 200%, the AI can be expected to build and recruit basically everything, so I personally don't want to fall behind.
Bookwyrm627: I haven't played much of any of the SOD campaigns. I think I started on Gem's at one point, but I got distracted or something before beating the second map.
If you value your sanity, don't play the SOD campaigns. Whether you play them on 130% or 200% (like I did), they're custom made to frustrate the hell out of you. Those map designers are beyond sadistic, and I can't even begin to describe the horrors they've subjected me to. Unless you fancy watching your 20 War Unicorns die to 40+ Dread Knights that constantly get reanimated, then I'd stay away.
Bookwyrm627: Yes, random maps do provide a lot of variety. I just don't have time to play everything I want to play, so I don't usually start a random map that I can't finish in a RL day or two.
I'm clearly biased towards random maps, so I'm a little surprised that you've mostly stuck to ROE scenarios of late. I save most of my games, so it's not uncommon for me to take extensive breaks before returning to a particularly long game.
Bookwyrm627: I'll probably start a large Random map on Hard difficulty. We can post our respective saves every 7 turns or so, with a turn log of highlights from that week, and reporting what "Week of..." we get for the next week.
Okay, I've played a full week in my game and logged some events. How are we going to upload our saves? GOG's attachment uploader doesn't appear to accept GM1 files, so what else did you have in mind?