The issue on GOG's side seems to be trying to stand as a niche alternative to steam while still regularly depending on steam's dll librairies or keeping uncleansed portions of stea architecture in game, while missing themselves key components to avoid said dll from failing to work (and bringing their own gog ports of games down with it)
So a solution on GOg's side would be to make the game free from this steam architecture's fragments and propose a gog port that works the same as the epic one
The issue on Quantic Dreams, on the other hand, is that they seems to be lazy clueless people who dont know jack crap about correct Win OS's api and built-in system components or such peripherals as simple as xinput game controllers, and preferred to rely entirely on steam's frameworks of features and components, like a crutch, for their halfbaked PC ports when they stepped outside their dream cavern of sonystuff and discovered that a whole real world existed outside of it :)
AS it seems obvious we cant expect QD to ever invest a mere dollar or minute of time and human ressource to do proper controller recognition and management on current OS for PC, i guess all the work for correcting the issue would fall upon GOG's shoulders instead... i dunno if there is any hope for us though
Djaron: As you noted, EGS version works with controllers without issue... and without using steam. Only GOG version is flawed and it again makes us second, if not third class customers... and that is not GOG's fault on this one, but lazy sloppy devs who really overdid their non-damn-givingness to startospheric levels
neumi5694: I didn't believe it at first, but the GOG version does not recognize my gamepad indeed which works with about every other game, while the Epic version runs just fine.
so you could witness it with your own eyes !
strange that our computers could recognize and use controllers out of the box on various game for more than 10 years of gaming, even outside steam
according to QD, controller management was supposed to be IMPOSSIBLE without the allmighty tech from steam client :) too bad it seems to only be so for their games, but that a vast majority of other games and game makers obviously didnt read this memo and managed to create pc ports that worked fine (even japanese devs which are a bit falling behind PC techs and software components for some specific reasons, and yet, as i always like to point out as an example: capcom managed to deliver us even here on gog a pc port of dragon's dogma that, sure, has its other issues, but works perfectly fine on the regard of controls and controlling peripherals... and also decent multithread optilmisation too)
i dunno what kind of narcotics they could enjoy deep inside the sony cavern, but it seemed to be quite potent hallucinogen :)