Avogadro6: I'm one of those who never really found Gothic's controls bad, nor the difficulty insane.* There are just a couple of things to keep in mind: combat is largely stat dependant, and you cannot defend at all from some creatures' attacks, such as beasts.
here i have to object. stats can only help, they don't win your battles. if you are too stupid to attack/block/dodge at the right time even in the late game you're faster dead than you'd expect. on the other hand especially in notr if you know what you're doing you'll be able to defeat nearly anything despite being barely able to wield a stick. in g1 it's a different thing, there you need to overcome the armor to do even the least bit of damage but anyways it helps a lot to know what you're doing.
actually i consider the balancing rather reasonable. i wouldn't bet on the wolf if it's only one wolf against one boar and i think if something's already dead but can still wield a sword... well shoving a blade up a guard works most of the time, but some bones without flesh... i'd be careful. i'd guess they "survive" more than typical humanbeings. ;)
ah yes, you can dodge attacks of creatures, it's not easy and in g1 not certain to work but it's possible.
i like praising gothic. :D