OneStonedBastard: Came here just to check how this works.
I'm not the biggest fan of NotR/Gold even though it's still good. I often play G2 "classic" when I revisit G2.
I would buy G2 for the umpteenth time if you could easily install the original version without the addon... kinda sucks that you have to contact support about it, when it used to work like fragonard said, a simple installer option.
Better than nothing, I guess? Seems like a waste of time for customers and support.
PS Can anybody that owns G2 on GOG check the installer they currently link in the "backups" screen to confirm how it works? Seems strange that they would update that installer to remove the option to install classic G2. Strange and shitty.
Interesting; having played both, I'd never go back to the classic version. Choice is good, though.