hgdagon: I know it's a long shot, but now that the Russian localization is available, would you consider adding Gorky 18 as well? It was published by the same company, so they should be the one to hold the rights.
number_of_smiles: горький 18 это слишком вольная интерпретация долдона-гоблача. логично, что здесь она не появится, тем более это польский магаз. да я купил и играл именно в нее в 1999, но кто ж тогда знал.
All I'm saying is the Russian localization was probably not included because of licensing reasons. Now that the localization is available, I'm simply voting to add Gorky-18 as an alternative Russian localization. If I remember correctly, it should as any other voice pack.
I'm not Russian myself, so I don't much care about the political subplots, or the reasons that led to creation of Gorky-18. I just want a "full pack" and, just in general, why not have a fresh new way to experience the game.