Faithful: I may not be the best to answer this since I like Groky 17 much better than Fallout, but here goes.
I think they are similar in that it is a turn based game and functions in a similar manner. However, I think moving and the overall ease of use in G17 are much better.
I also think the background scenery lends to the over all atmosphere of the game to a greater extent.
I guess it is like Fallout in some ways and has its own flare in other ways. I do think if you like Fallout it is worth giving it a shot. It is hard to picture not having some fun with this game if you like the turn base genre.
Yeah, problem is, I find myself on the edge of my seat when playing a turn based game, having to wait to see if the dice awards my attacks points, and then wait for the enemy's turn and see if the dice gives his attacks points. Drives me nuts. : D