Posted December 01, 2014

more seriously one problem i meet on gog in my accunt gamelist is that it is hard to tell wether the gzme has an installer including all the available langages for it, or when it needs separate installers depending on the la gage available.
of course i can guess through using the slider list and check if size and/or version are same for every langage i'm interested in, but not always and not at first glance...
any gog project about improving gameshelve regarding such issue ? (as well as filtering games in "my account" according to langage criteria ?)
thank a lot
As for google French, weeeeeelll, I try to avoid using it as it's my opinion that our discussions générales should be the last place that would cause francophones to have a heart attack brought on by the butchering of their language via google translate:)
Anyways, regarding your statement " i meet on gog in my accunt gamelist is that it is hard to tell wether the gzme has an installer including all the available langages for it, or when it needs separate installers depending on the la gage available. "
The best way to check if a given game has a French version, for example :), as a separate installer would be to look in the file name so if you see the word "french" in the file name like with Tex Murphy ( setup_pandora_directive_french_2.1.0.14.exe ) then you can rest assured that this installer will only be in French.
If a game has multiple languages and all of them are in one installer then the same installer will be offered across all languages. This way anyone can be sure to have the language they desire without having to go through the drop down menu and such.
I am not sure if there are any ongoing projects as for the improvement of the GOG shelf as that is kind of beyond my scope as far as my responsibilities at GOG are concerned :)

Vous devriez être en mesure de sélectionner la langue souhaitée à partir du jeu. Permettez-moi de savoir si ce ne est pas le cas.
Post edited December 01, 2014 by JudasIscariot