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pferreira1983: ...
Your actions speak louder than your words.

I won't comment on that matter any further.

Ich hoffe die anderen lassen sich dadurch nicht einschüchtern und fragen wieder nach Spielen! Es geht ja nicht darum, dass Schizo und die Spender auf den Titeln sitzen wollen. Es geht darum, dass auch die Leisen mal einen Titel bekommen.
Post edited July 05, 2020 by Schlaumayr
pferreira1983: The problem appears to be with them. I've followed the rules, done what they asked in contributing to forums, spoken in their language but they want to hate me. Insulting me by calling me a 'parasite' isn't on and they probably need to get a reality check before claiming I'm some occasional visitor who only gets games through giveaways. They've acted pretty properly, this donator and the giveaway guy.
Okay here i finally have to reply. I don't really like nitpicking in general but you kinda asking for it here.

Yes one of the rules in both giveaways here is participation in this part of the forum just because the giveaways here are way smaller than the main giveaways in the English board and would quickly get swamped if totally open and also to encourage new users to post here as there is not a lot of activity in this subboard.

What is asked for is "meaningful" participation. Noone will judge for some grammar errors or bad spelling or the likes and people will try to do their best to understand and interpret posts especially if an effort was made to compose them and we have several non native speakers who take part in this forum and do just well.

But the participation i have seen from you so far were oneliners which were many times totally disconnected from the discussion going on in the thread. Many people here got the same impression.

This can only lead to 2 conclusions:
The being lazy/greedy part - The participation was solely done without any intent of actually participating and properly interacting but rather just to circumvent the giveaway rules / to fulfill the GA rules on paper. Subjectively for me your posts seem lacking any kind of sincere statement/effort and are just made to be there.

Or alternatively it is the case that you lack the language skills to actively engage in the conversations. Well here then properly focusing on a single post in one thread and "polishing" it instead of posting in three threads would go (would have gotten) a long way and people would notice there was effort going into a post and hence would aknowledge it.
Summarized subjectively for me your participation was/felt like 90% "spamish" oneliners in general derailed from the actual thread and not adding anything to the ongoing discussion.

Why would anyone assume the greedy part?!

Well first of all in the "Deutsches Community Giveaway - Nicht-GOG-Keys 2.0" Thread since arriving in April
2 Keys were asked from you every month (April, May, June and also tried for July - so this is the maximum amount of allowed keys for this timeframe). In April May and June you actually received the keys but were told to increase activity outside giveway threads (this activity then being as stated above). So ya one could assume that the entry into this forum was just to get more games. But well maybe it was just an unlucky coincidence and there was just some special games here which were too hard to pass on and there was a lot of effort made to become part of this subboard?

Looking at:
The Community Giveaway - GOG Edition Redux - You took 1 game every single month since the reboot of finkleroy (from August onwards) - so August, Sept, Nov, Dez, 2019 and January - July 2020 - so 11 games just there

Regarding The Community Giveaway - Non-GOG Edition Remastered Redux
It seems like you close to the maximum limits there every single month as well (just composing from July 2019 right now) (Wont distinguish between daggered or non daggered bc it's about the general picture here)
8Games July 2019
3 Games August 2019
5 Games September 2019
8 Games October 2019
8 Games November 2019
7 Games December 2019
7 Games January 2020
7 Games February 2020
5 Games March 2020
9 Games April 2020
8 Games May 2020
6 Games June 2020

So ya - new guy comes to this part of the forum. Starts asking for maximum amount of games in 1 Thread straight away and then only starts participating in forum after being asked for. Participation is mostly questionable oneliners.
Meanwhile also in other giveaways (while within rules) maximum participation every single month (which is kinda shunned around in this part of the forum as well - most ppl might request a key every other month and sometimes nothing for months). So ya should we assume that there is a nice guy trying to get into the community and maybe learn a new language or should we assume somebody is trying to grab the max amount of games like elsewhere?

Also no donations to the giveaways.


Sorry seems like you ended up in an unfortunate Situation here / there was bad timing.
Just summarize to shortly what is going on:
Basically Pferreira was "just" excluded from this giveaway here because several people came to the conclusion that he is actively "exploiting" / trying to bend the rules of the giveway. A bit more regarding that can be found in the upper part of my post directed towards him.

And well the game he asked for was Dishonored 2. And shortly after he was refused the game you showed up and were asking for that given game as well so some people came to the wrong conclusion that it might he him asking for the game with an alt account / or you being a friend of him asking for the game he was refused to (we dont have that many guests from the english part of the forum that often ;) ).

And thank you very much for your extensive post! I hope Schlaumayrs and my explaination help you a bit better as well to understand whats going on and make you understand that no negativity was directed towards you and you did nothing wrong.
Ach jetzt hab ich halt meinen unbenutzen GOG account rausgekramt um mein Senf dazu zugeben.

Ich glaube nicht das der pferreira da der selbe ist wie microfish.
Microfish hat mich heute morgen in einem gemeinsammen Discord angeschrieben, mit dem Link von hier, und wollte wissen ob es unhöflich wäre wenn er auf English antwortet.
"because i hate being rude and want to avoid being rude"

Hab auch schon gemeint er war wohl nur zur falschen Zeit am falschen Ort.

(Und das seine Entschuldigung für meinen Geschmack überzogen ist :P )

Das war mein Senf zum Sonntag.

Weil es nuhr noch ein pahr stunden bis Total Annihilation: Commander Pack abläuft habe ich es versucht in den ninja thread zu posten in den englischen forum.
Wen es morgen abläuft dan wurd es wohl so sein. Must ja wirklich schon jeder den spiel haben wen es keiner will.
Nuya: Ach jetzt hab ich halt meinen unbenutzen GOG account rausgekramt um mein Senf dazu zugeben.

Ich glaube nicht das der pferreira da der selbe ist wie microfish.
Microfish hat mich heute morgen in einem gemeinsammen Discord angeschrieben, mit dem Link von hier, und wollte wissen ob es unhöflich wäre wenn er auf English antwortet.
"because i hate being rude and want to avoid being rude"

Hab auch schon gemeint er war wohl nur zur falschen Zeit am falschen Ort.

(Und das seine Entschuldigung für meinen Geschmack überzogen ist :P )

Das war mein Senf zum Sonntag.

Danke für die Nachricht, was Microfish angeht, war er wirklich zur falschen Zeit am falschen Ort.

Microfish_1: ...
Hey microfish, my apologies for falsely asuming you to be someone else.

Fonzer: ...
Ich hab das Spiel auch schon, war glaub ein Gratisspiel?! Da ist es oft so, dass es nicht so viele leute gibt, die das spiel verpassen. Hoffentlich findest du noch jemand.
Post edited July 05, 2020 by Schlaumayr
low rated
TT_TT_TT_TT: This can only lead to 2 conclusions:
The being lazy/greedy part - The participation was solely done without any intent of actually participating and properly interacting but rather just to circumvent the giveaway rules / to fulfill the GA rules on paper. Subjectively for me your posts seem lacking any kind of sincere statement/effort and are just made to be there.

Or alternatively it is the case that you lack the language skills to actively engage in the conversations. Well here then properly focusing on a single post in one thread and "polishing" it instead of posting in three threads would go (would have gotten) a long way and people would notice there was effort going into a post and hence would aknowledge it.
Summarized subjectively for me your participation was/felt like 90% "spamish" oneliners in general derailed from the actual thread and not adding anything to the ongoing discussion.
Vielen dank für die ermittlungsarbeit in meinem konto. Ich hatte keine ahnung, dass jeder einzelne kommentar von mir auf anstrengung überwacht wurde.

Ich wurde ursprünglich von einem eigenen mitglied hier an diesen thread weitergeleitet. Ich hatte keine ahnung, dass ich nicht willkommen war. Ich habe nur probleme damit, dass die leute mich hier einen parasiten, einen blutegel oder eine andere entschuldigung nennen, die sie geben wollen, um zu sagen, dass sie mich nicht beleidigen. vielleicht hätte mich jemand, der hier verantwortlich ist, angeschrieben, um mir zu sagen, was ich richtig oder falsch gemacht habe, anstatt hinter meinem rücken auf Deutsch zu sprechen?

Wieder ist es Ihr werbegeschenk, aber bitte beleidigen sie mich nicht mit anschuldigungen, die nicht nur paranoid, sondern auch falsch sind. Ich schätze euch nicht, die versucht, durch euer inkompetentes verhalten ein beispiel für mich zu geben. Danke dir.
Post edited July 06, 2020 by pferreira1983
pferreira1983: ...
You were begging for this analysis. And now, since the bald truth does not support your point of view, but instead exposes you, you continue crying, how you are the victim and we here are all the bad guys. No conversation here was behind your back (all posts are accessible). If you cannot understand the posts here, then why posting in the first place? (Yeah I know, because of the keys...) Are you seriously blaming us for posting in German in the German forum? Maybe you didn't notice, but we even switched to english!

You were the one starting with insults, looking at post #1590. I wrote in an open letter before, that I don't like selfishness in giveaways in general. Of course, it was after your third request for Dishonored 2, but I indeed did not call you names in particular.
That you missunderstand this open letter in me calling you a "parasite" (or trust an internet translator 100%) is non of my responsibility, so stop putting words in our mouths.Ever since, you just seem to be immune to logic and ranting how unjust we all are.

I am sick of this conversation, but needed to clarify the fact one last time, that you are NOT the victim here.

Sorry für die ganze Off-Topic Kacke hier... :/
Post edited July 06, 2020 by Schlaumayr
low rated
Schlaumayr: I am sick of this conversation, but needed to clarify the fact one last time, that you are NOT the victim here.

Sorry für die ganze Off-Topic Kacke hier... :/
Sie können dies so drehen, wie sie möchten, aber ich habe die regeln befolgt. Ich bin ein treues mitglied von GOG. Bitte hör auf, unfaire anschuldigungen gegen mich zu erheben. Sie haben dabei bereits die integrität verloren.
I think it's very obvious that both sides have very different opinions what participation in the forum means. But in the end it doesn't matter, because the host of the giveaway made an decision and everybody should accept that.

So can you please stop the discussion here (or continue it via chat)? The whole thing is getting very annoying.
Post edited July 06, 2020 by PaterAlf
Ist nicht Böse gemeint.
Schizo2015 hat die Anfrage abgelehnt, damit hat sich die Sache erledigt.
As I have stated in PMs to a couple of you, I appreciate the explanations.

Please be assured that there were never any hard feelings on my part in any way whatsoever. To the best of my knowledge, I was never upset or offended.

I realize it was bad timing at best on my part, and looked suspicious. As I told Schlaumayrs and TT_TT_TT_TT, I do understand where people were coming from. If the situation had been reversed, I also would have been suspicious or wary of an identical request from a non-regular so close to the denied request.

I also do understand that no negativity was directed towards me.

As far as I was concerned, the rules state the mod has the right to deny anyone, anytime, for any reason, and he exercised that right. This was, as I saw it, the end of the discussion regarding the whole matter.
The only reason I continued and posted the long follow-up post that I did was because I was saddened by the storm my request seemed to kick up and really wanted to try and smooth things over. The only reason that I am posting this is to reassure everyone that I am not and never was upset at or with anyone or anything.
As I said then, I was unsure when I made the request as to my eligibility because --while I am active in the English forums, I understand very little German (a word here or there) and speak less, so I am not active at all in the German forums. I didn't expect my request to be granted, and was not upset when I was denied.

Again, I'm sorry for the poor German translation; I was hoping to be less rude by posting in German than I would have been if I had posted in English.

I do sincerely hope that you all have a great day and remain well! :-D
Post edited July 10, 2020 by Microfish_1
Microfish_1: As I have stated in PMs to a couple of you, I appreciate the explanations.

Please be assured that there were never any hard feelings on my part in any way whatsoever. To the best of my knowledge, I was never upset or offended.

I realize it was bad timing at best on my part, and looked suspicious. As I told Schlaumayrs and TT_TT_TT_TT, I do understand where people were coming from. If the situation had been reversed, I also would have been suspicious or wary of an identical request from a non-regular so close to the denied request.

I also do understand that no negativity was directed towards me.

As far as I was concerned, the rules state the mod has the right to deny anyone, anytime, for any reason, and he exercised that right. This was, as I saw it, the end of the discussion regarding the whole matter.
The only reason I continued and posted the long follow-up post that I did was because I was saddened by the storm my request seemed to kick up and really wanted to try and smooth things over. The only reason that I am posting this is to reassure everyone that I am not and never was upset at or with anyone or anything.
As I said then, I was unsure when I made the request as to my eligibility because --while I am active in the English forums, I understand very little German (a word here or there) and speak less, so I am not active at all in the German forums. I didn't expect my request to be granted, and was not upset when I was denied.

Again, I'm sorry for the poor German translation; I was hoping to be less rude by posting in German than I would have been if I had posted in English.

I do sincerely hope that you all have a great day and remain well! :-D
Thank you for the kind words and don't worry about a bad German translation - nobody here would expect perfect German from a non German speaker ... the same way that (luckily) nobody in the international forum is expecting perfect English from German speakers :)

Have a great day as well.
Hab noch einen Key zu "Hitman: Absolution" abzugeben, für jemanden der es sich beim Sale nicht kostenlos gesichert hat.

Der Key ist noch bis zum 12.07.20 14:59 Uhr einlösbar, sollte also möglichst schnell vermittelt werden.
Wenn ich mitmachen kann, ich hätte interesse an Life is Strange Complete Season (wenn es noch verfügbar ist).

Es tut mir leid, wenn meine deutsche Sprache schlecht ist.
bigboss-62: Wenn ich mitmachen kann, ich hätte interesse an Life is Strange Complete Season (wenn es noch verfügbar ist).

Es tut mir leid, wenn meine deutsche Sprache schlecht ist.
Ist doch vollkommen okay, nur "Interesse" müsste großgeschrieben werden. Ansonsten perfekt.
Post edited July 12, 2020 by Gameinsider1986