I'll say this in english, not because I'm better than anyone (I'm not!) but because i can make myself understood better, I hope. I am active in gog forum mafia, and almost never venture over to the German forums. Before today, I had never heard of this guy above me, and know almost nothing about what is going on or really what the backstory is. I have posted two times on the German forums before, and that was in
April to ask for Railway Empire, which I was graciously given, which I really appreciate, and have been playing as time allows. The 2nd time was to say "thank you" a little bit later.
However, and I mean this in the nicest way possible, I am not an alternate account of the person you seem to have assumed that I am (checking location and rep might show this), I don't know the person in question from Adam, but when reading the posts above, the OP said they wanted games to go to someone who would enjoy them, not someone who tore down other games at every opportunity.
I figured that I have never posted here in this thread, ever, so I read the rules. After searching and finding out that the game in question had been in the list for 4 days less than a month, I figured that asking once wouldn't hurt matters any, as it was a new month and any users who missed in it June had an opportunity already in July.
I'm sorry if my request ruffled any feathers as that wasn't my intention. You obviously don't want me to take part, so consider the subject dropped.
It would be a shame if my desiring to play a game that another user was already denied created bad feelings around here--it wasn't my goal. For
that I do apologize, but regarding my initial request, I don't see what there is to apologize for. I stated rightly that "Please may I have Game XYZ" implying correctly that I was interested in it (if it had been requested I could have provided proof of same), and "thanks for considering me." I mentioned that I was active in the other forums because rule 1 says you have to be an active user. Maybe I shouldn't have bothered asking because of Rule 4, but I figured it had been three years since the OP, and it wouldn't hurt to ask.
If there is something about my request that I should apologize for, please enlighten me. I'd love to know so that I don't make this mistake again.
And yes, I have been participating in the english forums for a year now (specifically
https://www.gog.com/forum/general/forum_mafia_administration_and_general_discussion_1/post4; my first game was #57, have played regularly ever since, and am now playing in game #67.)
I'm not upset in any way and am sorry and do apologize if this comes out sounding as if I am.
I used a translation website, yes, but only because i thought it would be polite to at least try and use the proper language for this forum.
The reason I didn't here is that I didn't know if it would come out all wrong and make things worse.