JakobFel: I don't see anything wrong with them forcing upgrades at this point.
"Forcing UPgrades"????
In what way is it an upgrade to go from a fully functional software system to one that it NOT functional (yet)?
I'd call it a pretty clear downgrade.
I agree, It looks promising, and I appreciate the option to try it out and give feedback to the devs. But it has to be an option. It's clearly not yet a finished product and releasing it as such is not right.
Now I get many replies that my inability to download my games with Galaxy 2.0 must a problem at my end.
Sure, in a way it is: My rig is dated, for sure, but that's why I come here: I use it to play older games (G.O.G. is short for Good Old Games, remember?). And succesfully and happily so - until Galaxy 2.0 came about.
And in another way it isn't: It's ONLY with the Galaxy 2.0 that I have the problem.
So from my point of view, Galaxy 2.0 is the problem.
It looks like it has a memory leak issue, which is of course mostly a problem if you have an older rig with less memory than modern ones. Which would explain why many people don't experience any issues.
But not bothering to test for that (or ignoring the result) sends a very strong signal to people like me, that we are no longer wanted as customers.
And then the silence: There are numerous threads on the forums with hundreds of complaints, even one started by the GOG team themselves inviting feedback - and not a single reply in any of them from the GOG team.