djoxyk: how someone can crash servers of stores when existing customers request basic data from it?
tomimt: Yet it happens all the time. It isn't that uncommon to see digital storefronts, even as big as Steam, to become unresponsive under basic traffic like people browsing store content. And this isn't even mostly related to code, but to hardware as well. You might not believe it, but with net traffic and interconnected data transfer between different kinds of infrastructures do have several things which can and will most likely go wrong, causing problems. These kinds of systems are better done in small steps rather than with huge jumps.
It is better to be safe than sorry.
sure I won't believe it because I passed my Linux admin test and I know how things work.
by your assumption it is dangerous to let 2-3 millions of people to access their galaxy clients and sync things. I'm excited to learn how in this case gog planned to let them use their galaxy 2.0 on everyday basis. what you see in profile, all data from external storefronts have to be updated and these storefronts have to be queried multiple times per user session to keep their profile updated in real time. If you're saying that they are capable to provide stable service only for a few people this time, are we going to use it only 1 day per month now to avoid big load? I bet you know the answer :)
Bustacap: and are you seriously comparing an app like this to essentials like food? get your priorities straight...
are you seriously taking my comparison so literally? I compared soviet era queues for EVERYTHING, person would eat garbage and wear rugs, and have no car, bike, no furniture, no refrigerator, no nothing if they can't endure week long queues for the above or if they can't bribe their way to direct purchase (influencers in this case).
Bustacap: also youre misunderstanding their tweet. they didnt say the software will be available on all gaming platforms, its talking about combining all those platforms into one app
cmon, it said what it said and it is pretty self explanatory. in addition they said this:
Import all your games from
PC and consoles, and create one master collection!
Install and launch
any PC game you own, no matter the platform.
Linux is PC distro and "any game" should include Linux games as well, don't you think?