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kelvinnkat: Hi all! The current integration uses old access/API keys. To fix this, do as follows (copied AudioAbe's comment from the Reddit post "GOG keeps disconnecting me from Ubisoft launcher"):

"Heres the fix for this issue:

Open the Python file "%LOCALAPPDATA%\\Galaxy\plugins\installed\uplay_afb5a69c-b2ee-4d58-b916-f4cd75d4999a\" in a text editor.

Change line 15 [a]nd 16 to:

CLUB_APPID = "314d4fef-e568-454a-ae06-43e3bece12a6"

CLUB_GENOME_ID = "85c31714-0941-4876-a18d-2c7e9dce8d40"

Save, connect (no need to restart Galaxy), stay connected :)

Ubisoft changed the server ID, the plugin had the old values, therefore no connection. Simply change both id's to the values above.

EDIT: If it still doesn't work or is disconnecting after some time, go to the Ubisoft website and log in; it should open a new window to enter your username and password. When double-clicked, the URL of the login window will have the IDs listed above."

Note that one commenter said that it's at %appdata%\local instead and I haven't tested it myself, so idk on that part.
This is the solution listed above in the comments, it worked at the time that was the only issue. For whatever reason gog galaxy won't even attempt to connect with any of the other services, don't matter if the integration is official or community made, non of them are working at this time
Hi, i just start my GOG Galaxy and all my game aren't sync but integrations are connected.

And Steam don't want to integrate... i have the try again option...
sifus: Hi, i just start my GOG Galaxy and all my game aren't sync but integrations are connected.

And Steam don't want to integrate... i have the try again option...
Same here, it will not connect at all
It appears the folks at Valve have changed how Steam authentication works and it may be a lot of work to get it working in Galaxy again.

There is at least one dev working on it that I can see. Hopefully, they can find an answer.
JTQuincy: It appears the folks at Valve have changed how Steam authentication works and it may be a lot of work to get it working in Galaxy again.

There is at least one dev working on it that I can see. Hopefully, they can find an answer.
Where do you see a dev working on it? I checked the Steam integration's GitHub and there haven't been any contributions for almost 2 years.
Maddiow: Where do you see a dev working on it? I checked the Steam integration's GitHub and there haven't been any contributions for almost 2 years.
Maddiow: Where do you see a dev working on it? I checked the Steam integration's GitHub and there haven't been any contributions for almost 2 years.

I didn't say the any of the original devs are working on it.

The challenge here may be the use of python as a language (which I understand for cross-platform) but Playnite, for example, uses SteamKit2 wiich is written in dotnet (Windows only) and it works. This is going to be custom development. Maybe there is a way to integrate SteamKit2 into Python, at least for Windows? But that would leave Linux and Mac users out in the cold.
Post edited March 19, 2023 by JTQuincy
Hrazmadul: only response I get from the Steam integration is "Steam - Offline Retry."
getting code after code from steam to auth but it never connects with gog. no problem with Origin/EA and Ubisoft.
And yes I have tried deleting all webcache files.
Just upping this to report the same issue.
Same here, is this going to be broken forever?
This is an issue for me as well (attempted the solution, but no luck) Steam Offline Retry.
I wish whoever is working on this luck, as I only use Galaxy because I can see all my Steam games.
Experiencing the exact same problem. It is not solved, and proposed solutions upthread do not work. Since the original maintainers left, is there any hope of it working again?
Still not working, even on lastest GOG Galaxy build...
Doesn't the developers realize that most users just use GOG Galaxy to use it as a unified launcher? Apparently not, right? Why else would it take so long to fix the Steam integration? Lack of interest?
Just here to confirm myself as another person experiencing this problem
Here there is a solution. Worked for me.