Posted June 21, 2020

I have proof I had the issue for at least 3 days.
There should be always a way to get it the legit way as I am not the only one experiencing this issue.
Even people who followed this way could not make it.
I was expecting better from GoG and now I am pretty disappointed.
And this issue existed way before this promotion.
They did not even bother fixing it before .
I also try and address issues users are experiencing and ways to fix the issues.
There's a lot of repeated steps that may not be needed for most, however I have included them to try and cover any issues others may have.
To retain the connection between GOG Galaxy restarts, instead of replacing the code after the equals sign on line 64, all you need to do is replace the last word on line 64 with your token.
So.. None gets replaced with "your npsso token"
Original way
stored_npsso = stored_credentials.get("npsso") if stored_credentials else None
stored_npsso = "your_npsso_token"
New way, retaining connection on GOG restarts
stored_npsso = stored_credentials.get("npsso") if stored_credentials else None
stored_npsso = stored_credentials.get("npsso") if stored_credentials else "your_npsso_token"
Where "your_npsso_token" in the example should be replaced with your token.
The issue with the connector is due to a CORS error in the version of the built-in browser which GOG Galaxy uses. GOG are aware of the issue and I am sure that the next released update of GOG Galaxy should address this issue.
I have put all the steps on a github page for ease of reference,
You can access it here:
gogpsn1.png (96 Kb)
gogpsn2.png (371 Kb)
gogpsn3.png (126 Kb)
gogpsn4.png (209 Kb)
gogpsn5.png (88 Kb)
gogpsn6.png (131 Kb)
gogpsn7.png (118 Kb)
gogpsn8.png (121 Kb)
Post edited June 22, 2020 by Masheleni