Posted June 21, 2020

New User
Registered: Jun 2020
From United Kingdom

New User
Registered: May 2017
From Greece
Posted June 21, 2020
I will then go pretty hard on the support GoG team.
I have proof I had the issue for at least 3 days.
There should be always a way to get it the legit way as I am not the only one experiencing this issue.
Even people who followed this way could not make it.
I was expecting better from GoG and now I am pretty disappointed.
And this issue existed way before this promotion.
They did not even bother fixing it before .
I have proof I had the issue for at least 3 days.
There should be always a way to get it the legit way as I am not the only one experiencing this issue.
Even people who followed this way could not make it.
I was expecting better from GoG and now I am pretty disappointed.
And this issue existed way before this promotion.
They did not even bother fixing it before .

Tonic Trouble
Registered: Apr 2012
From Germany
Posted June 21, 2020

I have proof I had the issue for at least 3 days.
There should be always a way to get it the legit way as I am not the only one experiencing this issue.
Even people who followed this way could not make it.
I was expecting better from GoG and now I am pretty disappointed.
And this issue existed way before this promotion.
They did not even bother fixing it before .
Post edited June 21, 2020 by Bustacap

New User
Registered: May 2017
From Greece
Posted June 21, 2020

I have proof I had the issue for at least 3 days.
There should be always a way to get it the legit way as I am not the only one experiencing this issue.
Even people who followed this way could not make it.
I was expecting better from GoG and now I am pretty disappointed.
And this issue existed way before this promotion.
They did not even bother fixing it before .

They HAVE to do it.
So it is not officially been fixed at all.

New User
Registered: May 2010
From Sweden
Posted June 21, 2020
Why is this topic tagged as SOLVED?
It is not solved. I have tried to connect my PSN account for the past 3-4 days with no success. I have tried the "fix" and it doesn't work.
I managed to connect mt Steam account, but that just got me the base game, despite me having all the DLC as well.
It is not solved. I have tried to connect my PSN account for the past 3-4 days with no success. I have tried the "fix" and it doesn't work.
I managed to connect mt Steam account, but that just got me the base game, despite me having all the DLC as well.

New User
Registered: May 2020
From Ireland
Posted June 21, 2020
for anyone still having trouble make sure you just copy the code in and not the "npsso": part thats what will give you the offline setting

New User
Registered: May 2020
From Russian Federation
Posted June 21, 2020

{"error":"invalid_grant","error_description":"Invalid login","error_code":20,"docs":"[url=","parameters]","parameters[/url]":[]}
after link
- after the login open this link:
if it dont work why i must repair it
or maybe it is Kiberpunk quest
wake up Sumurai we have GOG to burn

New User
Registered: Jun 2017
From Australia
Posted June 21, 2020
Yep this is 100% correct - I couldn’t work it out or get the PS4 to login and say online UNTIL I deleted the npsso part - now, I’m logged in and 12% downloaded the Witcher

New User
Registered: Jun 2020
From United States
Posted June 21, 2020

workaround until they fix it:
-Log in to PSN through your browser
-After the login open this link:
Copy content of "npsso"
Edit file %AppData%\Local\\Galaxy\plugins\installed\psn_XXX\
Go to line 64 and change value stored_npsso to copied "npsso" for example:
stored_npsso = stored_credentials.get("npsso") if stored_credentials else None
stored_npsso = "Copied value of npsso"
6. Restart GOG Galaxy
7. try connecting with PSN again

Tonic Trouble
Registered: Apr 2012
From Germany

New User
Registered: Jun 2020
From United States
Posted June 21, 2020
When I type in the exact stuff it tells me to, my file explorer cannot find anything, so when I tried to do it manually, I only found the xbox plugin. Im stuck for rn.

Tonic Trouble
Registered: Apr 2012
From Germany

New User
Registered: Jun 2020
From United States
Posted June 21, 2020

the appdata folder may be hidden so make sure youre displaying hidden folders

New User
Registered: Jun 2020
From Malaysia
Posted June 21, 2020
high rated

workaround until they fix it:
- close GOG Galaxy if it's running at the moment
- log in to PSN ( through your browser
(if you were already logged in, log out first, then back in)
- after the login open this link:
youll get something like: {"npsso":"xxx"}
where xxx is the npsso value
- open windows explorer and enter the following into the address bar at the top and press enter
- open the psn_{random number} folder and edit the file with your favourite text editor
- go to line 64. it sould look like this:
stored_npsso = stored_credentials.get("npsso") if stored_credentials else None
delete everything on that line after: stored_npsso =
then add your nppso value behind it in quotation marks.
it should look like this:
stored_npsso = "npsso value"
("npsso value" is the value from step 3 and should be a 64 character long text consisting of numbers, lower case letters and upper case letters)
(the quotation marks " " are important!)
- save the changes made to and close the file
- restart GOG Galaxy
- try connecting with PSN again

New User
Registered: Mar 2013
From United States
Posted June 21, 2020

workaround until they fix it:
- close GOG Galaxy if it's running at the moment
- log in to PSN ( through your browser
(if you were already logged in, log out first, then back in)
- after the login open this link:
youll get something like: {"npsso":"xxx"}
where xxx is the npsso value
- open windows explorer and enter the following into the address bar at the top and press enter
- open the psn_{random number} folder and edit the file with your favourite text editor
- go to line 64. it sould look like this:
stored_npsso = stored_credentials.get("npsso") if stored_credentials else None
delete everything on that line after: stored_npsso =
then add your nppso value behind it in quotation marks.
it should look like this:
stored_npsso = "npsso value"
("npsso value" is the value from step 3 and should be a 64 character long text consisting of numbers, lower case letters and upper case letters)
(the quotation marks " " are important!)
- save the changes made to and close the file
- restart GOG Galaxy
- try connecting with PSN again