Posted June 17, 2020

New User
Registered: Aug 2018
From United States

New User
Registered: Jun 2019
From United States

New User
Registered: Jun 2020
From United States
Posted June 17, 2020

workaround until they fix it:
- log in to PSN ( through your browser
- after the login open this link:
Copy content of "npsso"
- edit file %LocalAppData%\\Galaxy\plugins\installed\psn_XXX\
- go to line 64 and change value stored_npsso to copied "npsso" for example:
stored_npsso = stored_credentials.get("npsso") if stored_credentials else None
stored_npsso = "Copied value of npsso"
(the quotation marks " " are important!)
- restart GOG Galaxy
- try connecting with PSN again

Thank you. it worked like a charm

New User
Registered: Jun 2020
From Panama

New User
Registered: Jun 2020
From United States
Posted June 17, 2020

workaround until they fix it:
- log in to PSN ( through your browser
- after the login open this link:
Copy content of "npsso"
- open windows explorer and enter the following into the address bar at the top and press enter
- open the psn_{random number} folder and edit the file with your favourite text editor
- go to line 64 and change it from:
stored_npsso = stored_credentials.get("npsso") if stored_credentials else None
stored_npsso = "Copied value of npsso"
("copied value of npsso" should be a 64 character long text consisting of numbers, lower case letters and upper case letters)
(the quotation marks " " are important!)
- restart GOG Galaxy
- try connecting with PSN again

New User
Registered: May 2020
From United States
Posted June 17, 2020
Hi there so i tried the method of this and it still didn't work I re-logged in to the app and tried to integrate my PSN but still says offline even after changing the details in the i really don't know what else to do!

New User
Registered: Jun 2020
From Panama
Posted June 17, 2020

help me!! pleass!!!
Post edited June 17, 2020 by carlinhos0394

New User
Registered: Aug 2019
From Brazil
Posted June 17, 2020

workaround until they fix it:
- log in to PSN ( through your browser
- after the login open this link:
Copy content of "npsso"
- open windows explorer and enter the following into the address bar at the top and press enter
- open the psn_{random number} folder and edit the file with your favourite text editor
- go to line 64 and change it from:
stored_npsso = stored_credentials.get("npsso") if stored_credentials else None
stored_npsso = "Copied value of npsso"
("copied value of npsso" should be a 64 character long text consisting of numbers, lower case letters and upper case letters)
(the quotation marks " " are important!)
- restart GOG Galaxy
- try connecting with PSN again

New User
Registered: Jun 2013
From United States

New User
Registered: Jun 2020
From Panama
Posted June 17, 2020

workaround until they fix it:
- log in to PSN ( through your browser
- after the login open this link:
Copy content of "npsso"
- open windows explorer and enter the following into the address bar at the top and press enter
- open the psn_{random number} folder and edit the file with your favourite text editor
- go to line 64 and change it from:
stored_npsso = stored_credentials.get("npsso") if stored_credentials else None
stored_npsso = "Copied value of npsso"
("copied value of npsso" should be a 64 character long text consisting of numbers, lower case letters and upper case letters)
(the quotation marks " " are important!)
- restart GOG Galaxy
- try connecting with PSN again

New User
Registered: Jun 2020
From United States
Posted June 17, 2020

workaround until they fix it:
- log in to PSN ( through your browser
- after the login open this link:
Copy content of "npsso"
- open windows explorer and enter the following into the address bar at the top and press enter
- open the psn_{random number} folder and edit the file with your favourite text editor
- go to line 64 and change it from:
stored_npsso = stored_credentials.get("npsso") if stored_credentials else None
stored_npsso = "Copied value of npsso"
("copied value of npsso" should be a 64 character long text consisting of numbers, lower case letters and upper case letters)
(the quotation marks " " are important!)
- restart GOG Galaxy
- try connecting with PSN again

New User
Registered: Dec 2013
From New Zealand
Posted June 17, 2020

workaround until they fix it:
- log in to PSN ( through your browser
- after the login open this link:
Copy content of "npsso"
- open windows explorer and enter the following into the address bar at the top and press enter
- open the psn_{random number} folder and edit the file with your favourite text editor
- go to line 64 and change it from:
stored_npsso = stored_credentials.get("npsso") if stored_credentials else None
stored_npsso = "Copied value of npsso"
("copied value of npsso" should be a 64 character long text consisting of numbers, lower case letters and upper case letters)
(the quotation marks " " are important!)
- restart GOG Galaxy
- try connecting with PSN again

New User
Registered: Mar 2019
From United States
Posted June 17, 2020
So you want to follow the steps Bustacap explains to a T!
When you get your npsso number on the new tab, you only want to copy down the 64 digits after the '{"npsso" : ' part.
After that, you can just type in GOG into the search bar in your file viewer. It should be one of the first results. If you still can't find it, follow this chain of folders till you get to the end:
Starting from This PC on the left, open up from first to last 1.Windows (C:) 2.Users 3.Whatever name you have for your account on the computer 4. AppData 5.Local 7.Galaxy 8.Plugins 9.Installed 10.psn_'your wacky string of numbers and letters.'
After all of that, go to the PY file called plugin and jump down to the 64th line. If you're using notepad, it should tell you the line and column where your cursor is currently. Use that to find it quicker.
Finally, only get rid of 'stored_credentials.get("npsso") if stored_credentials else None' and replace it with your string of numbers. Then just make sure you've got parentheses around what you just pasted, close it and save your changes. Then after re-opening GOG and clicking connect for PSN, it should automatically have your account registered.
Those are at least the steps I took to getting my PSN account up, along with following Bustacap's amazing guide. Hopefully this can clear up some of the more troubling steps!
When you get your npsso number on the new tab, you only want to copy down the 64 digits after the '{"npsso" : ' part.
After that, you can just type in GOG into the search bar in your file viewer. It should be one of the first results. If you still can't find it, follow this chain of folders till you get to the end:
Starting from This PC on the left, open up from first to last 1.Windows (C:) 2.Users 3.Whatever name you have for your account on the computer 4. AppData 5.Local 7.Galaxy 8.Plugins 9.Installed 10.psn_'your wacky string of numbers and letters.'
After all of that, go to the PY file called plugin and jump down to the 64th line. If you're using notepad, it should tell you the line and column where your cursor is currently. Use that to find it quicker.
Finally, only get rid of 'stored_credentials.get("npsso") if stored_credentials else None' and replace it with your string of numbers. Then just make sure you've got parentheses around what you just pasted, close it and save your changes. Then after re-opening GOG and clicking connect for PSN, it should automatically have your account registered.
Those are at least the steps I took to getting my PSN account up, along with following Bustacap's amazing guide. Hopefully this can clear up some of the more troubling steps!

New User
Registered: Jun 2020
From Paraguay
Posted June 17, 2020

When you get your npsso number on the new tab, you only want to copy down the 64 digits after the '{"npsso" : ' part.
After that, you can just type in GOG into the search bar in your file viewer. It should be one of the first results. If you still can't find it, follow this chain of folders till you get to the end:
Starting from This PC on the left, open up from first to last 1.Windows (C:) 2.Users 3.Whatever name you have for your account on the computer 4. AppData 5.Local 7.Galaxy 8.Plugins 9.Installed 10.psn_'your wacky string of numbers and letters.'
After all of that, go to the PY file called plugin and jump down to the 64th line. If you're using notepad, it should tell you the line and column where your cursor is currently. Use that to find it quicker.
Finally, only get rid of 'stored_credentials.get("npsso") if stored_credentials else None' and replace it with your string of numbers. Then just make sure you've got parentheses around what you just pasted, close it and save your changes. Then after re-opening GOG and clicking connect for PSN, it should automatically have your account registered.
Those are at least the steps I took to getting my PSN account up, along with following Bustacap's amazing guide. Hopefully this can clear up some of the more troubling steps!

New User
Registered: Sep 2009
From United States
Posted June 17, 2020
anyone know what's the workaround if it says 'offline retry' in the settings?
i've made sure the syntax is correct and have already restarted the gog client multiple times.
i've made sure the syntax is correct and have already restarted the gog client multiple times.
Post edited June 17, 2020 by isual