TheRealSaiph: Why do companies release unfinished and broken software applications and expect the public to do their QA testing for them? GOG should have waited until Galaxy was in a professional, usable state before releasing it to the public. GOG, we are NOT your guinea pigs.
GOG Galaxy 2.0 is in Open BETA - that means it's functionally complete but requires testing and GOG have invivted people to help with that - it's not mandatory, there's no need to take part if you demand perfection in your free game launching software....
Using real people to test something like this works because everyone has WILDLY different collections of games across wildly differing platforms - it's near-impossible to simulate every situation.
Furthermore, the nature of integrating other platforms is that those things change constantly - I beleive MS recently changed how your XBOX/Windows Store games are displayed which has caused GOG Galaxy to not be able to access playtime for example - this will be an ongoing issue because that's how these things work.
There's a reason there isn't one really good game launcher - it's a really hard thing to do (trust me on this, I've created several!!)
I like how GOG have approached this but as I say, it's a hard thing to do and without people helping it won't work at-all