Well i don t know, if the publishers of the games, would accept
a GoG Galaxy 2.0 direct download from the other clients, without
the need to install them too, i think that would totally awesome.
But yeah then you have devs, who don t update the GoG releases
to the newest patches cuz they still "fear" piracy... uhum as if it has
not been proven over and over and over again that DRM ll not protect
*shrugs* i ll remain using GoG and Galaxy exclusively no matter what
since only here the games work standalone without the launcher and
I Net connection. Aka you really own them, if that ever changes i am
the first to abandon it. (don t think so though, cuz fk drm aye?)
If Galaxy 2.0 could manage to direct dl from other shops, i think that
would be a step in the right direction. Choose the launcher you want
to, don t be forced to use it, just because you bought the game legally.
Yes... yes i think it is time for this step, specially with Epic throwing
its console exclusive shenanigans at PC game platform :/