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DCT: negativity doesn't always = the truth
Roman5, I hope you're listening.
Elmofongo: I am so pissed Yatzhee did not review the GOG version, I mean I understand if he does not know GOG exist, but I bet its because CDprojeckt RED owns GOG and he hated the Witcher 1 and 2 so he did not buy it from GOG out of spite :P

End Rant.
Yahtzee is a clueless moron that has little idea in general what he is doing and has little insight to the games he is "reviewing"

This attitude of "If it's not on Steam, it's not on the PC" that he has (and many other people do) just proves this further
DCT: negativity doesn't always = the truth
AlKim: Roman5, I hope you're listening.
AlKim, I hope you are reading what I post

Yahtzee most often tries to be negative for the sake of it or because of other reasons

When I am negative about something, I explain in detail why I think so
Post edited May 23, 2013 by Roman5
You need to stop caring about such crap.

Gaming jounralism doesn't exist. Gaming "reviewers" are irrelevant and their opinions are not worth jack.

by the way, I tried to watch the video you linked. It fucking sucks. It's not even a review. It's a hot stream of shit coming out of his mouth about everything but not the game itself.

Who has time to watch puke like that...
Post edited May 23, 2013 by keeveek
keeveek: It's not even a review. It's a hot stream of shit coming out of his mouth about everything but not the game itself.
Congratulations, you have summed up 95% of Yahtzee's videos
tfishell: I can't view it at work, however.
Shouldn't they add GOG to the blocked sites list? :-)
Aaron86: Are you sure it's Yahtzee's style that's turing you all off, and not the fact that he's trashing a game you all love?
Reverse fanboyism is just as bad. Assuming that anyone that takes either side is a fanboy/hater shuts off all discussion in any direction. Perhaps, and I know its the internet, but maybe, people are just being honest when they say they don't like the reviewer :p

I turned it off before he ever got to system shock 2 in any significance. He spoke too fast, his jokes were lame, and all of his comments were about his choices in gaming history set to crude animations. As I said before, I can sit and watch bad and/or biased reviews... I couldn't finish his. There was no point in finishing it.
Aaron86: Are you sure it's Yahtzee's style that's turing you all off, and not the fact that he's trashing a game you all love?
He's not even trashing the game, he has said that he's enjoying it.
Elmofongo: I am so pissed Yatzhee did not review the GOG version, I mean I understand if he does not know GOG exist, but I bet its because CDprojeckt RED owns GOG and he hated the Witcher 1 and 2 so he did not buy it from GOG out of spite :P

End Rant.
Roman5: Yahtzee is a clueless moron that has little idea in general what he is doing and has little insight to the games he is "reviewing"

This attitude of "If it's not on Steam, it's not on the PC" that he has (and many other people do) just proves this further
AlKim: Roman5, I hope you're listening.
Roman5: AlKim, I hope you are reading what I post

Yahtzee most often tries to be negative for the sake of it or because of other reasons

When I am negative about something, I explain in detail why I think so
Man you guys hate Yahtzee and Jim Sterling, only one you guys don't hate on the escapist is moviebob and the no right answer guys.
Meh, Yahtzee is just the same as any other reviewer - either you agree with him or you don't, and you either like his style or you don't.

Personally, although I try not to pay too much attention to reviews, there's only so many hours in the day and I don't get to try all the games I'm interested in to see whether I like them or not - and a reviewer whose opinions I largely seem to agree with can help on that front. And, although I don't treat Yahtzee's reviews too seriously, I do find I do agree with a lot of them. And it helps that I find him funny. :)
tfishell: I can't view it at work, however.
dr.schliemann: Shouldn't they add GOG to the blocked sites list? :-)
Probably, but technically right now I'm not actually getting paid; I'm doing internship work for college credit.

If I was actually getting paid, I would have spent far less time on GOG yesterday as morally it wouldn't have been right to spend all this time on here (imo), but I was quite excited about the Wizardry discussion.
dr.schliemann: Shouldn't they add GOG to the blocked sites list? :-)
tfishell: Probably, but technically right now I'm not actually getting paid; I'm doing internship work for college credit.

If I was actually getting paid, I would have spent far less time on GOG yesterday as morally it wouldn't have been right to spend all this time on here (imo), but I was quite excited about the Wizardry discussion.
I was just joking. :-)
tfishell: Probably, but technically right now I'm not actually getting paid; I'm doing internship work for college credit.

If I was actually getting paid, I would have spent far less time on GOG yesterday as morally it wouldn't have been right to spend all this time on here (imo), but I was quite excited about the Wizardry discussion.
dr.schliemann: I was just joking. :-)
I know, but I wanted to post an explanation anyway. ;-) (especially if the IT guys are viewing for some reason LOL)
Haha, you people realize ZP gets money if you click on their links?
So why do you open a thread so people go to their shitty whore pages?
Aaron86: Are you sure it's Yahtzee's style that's turing you all off, and not the fact that he's trashing a game you all love? This reminds me of a few years back when Yahtzee trashed one of the Super Smash Bros games and got lots of SSB fans riled up.

I mean, I can sympathize with you guys, but it's not like many of you would rush to the defence of Super Smash Bros.

(Well, except for Elmofongo I guess. ;) )
I like Yahtzee and I take his videos as more comedy than serious reviews
With this his giving credit to Steam without a mention of Night Dive or GOG annoys me though
The fact he didn't mention GOG was indeed somewhat annoying, other than that it was a standard fare. All in all I think Zero Punctuation is OK, these videos obviously are not meant to be taken as a serious reviews to begin with.