Carnival73 - Nice idea and Lemmings is an awesome game.
Ubivis - Sounds like a creepier version of Theme Park/Rollercoaster Tycoon. Hope you can get around to finally making it.
Saramakos - Heh, Dracula would definitely not be pleased if he knew what Vampires were like today :o
Bazilisek - Even if the idea of venturing into people's subconsciousness has been done before, it's still interesting. I like the idea of things becoming more and more distorted and having the main character transform as the game progresses.
tomimt - Haha, I guess you could even slack off at work and play games, so you'll be playing games while you play games!
acemarch - Definitely could result in an interesting game; there are very few games that deal heavily with religious themes.
TheCheese33 - Hilarious, makes me think of
25 Ways to Quit Smoking =D
El_Caz - I like it; it sounds like it could be a true survival horror game - playing to people's deepest fears. Anyway, as you know, you wrote much more than I was looking for, but regardless, you definitely came up with some great ideas.
Tallima - This idea stinks - and I mean that in the nicest possible way! ;D Also, I can't help but think of controlling Abe's farts in Oddworld.
Rooshandark8 - Great joke; I've actually read it before, several years back. Not sure why you decided to claim it as your own though. I guess plagiarism's just an acceptable thing at GOG...? =/
TheJoe - :P
Runehamster - Makes me think of Privates, but nowehere near as perverse. Anyway, I really like the idea of battles being held inside the body. Good stuff.
Anyway, some great ideas. In the end, I decided to go with Runehamster
Definitely something interesting and could (possibly) work as a game. Overall, I think the idea of a microscopic terrorist attack is a fantastic one (pun possibly intended) and could lend itself to some great set pieces involving relatively large bodily organs. I can also envisage many interesting (and challenging) game objectives, perhaps some cool puzzles too.
Could you post your Steam email/Steam ID/whatever here so I can forward the info to lackoo1111 via PM. Thanks.
Also, a special mention goes out to El_Caz for writing an entire design document! :o