cmdr_flashheart: What's cool about this game, from someone who played it? It looks like a decent strategy game in the vein of Command and Conquer circa '95, but what's unique?
The field is divided in different regions (first level is 3x3 f.e), each having a building that creates an army. But it doesn't start building until one of the team (red or blue) captures the flag in this particular region. There's no resources needed to build units, all you need is having a control of the region.
Each unit needs a different time to build and you choose what you would like to manufacture in that building. It could be a robot, tank, humvee, ... The more regions you hold, the faster it goes. The more powerful unit, more time it needs. You can also capture a tank, a cannon, ...
I think it's pretty unique mechanic, but no idea if Z was first to use it. It's a really good RTS game imho :)