anjohl: It should not be protected, but it should be accomodated for.
DarrkPhoenix: What do you mean by "accommodated for"? If you mean that as individuals we shouldn't treat overweight people any worse than we treat everyone else, I fully agree, that's just basic human decency (although even that seems to be in short supply these days).
No, the first part, which I left above is what I meant to a T. I don't agree with employees being restricted in terms of hiring in *any* way, ESPECIALLY when it comes to "protected" sstatus (in Canada) like religion, or being native or a minority. If someone wants to work their ass off to be the best fireman they can, and they *are* the best man for the job, they should GET the job.
And anyone claiming that they can wear a turban instead of a firehat, or carry a "ceremonial sword" to school in spite of strict no-weapons policy needs to reevaluate their religion.