A_Future_Pilot: So a couple questions...apparently everybody likes Alien and/or AlienS...I've never seen either (apparently I'll have to now ;)...but are the 3rd and 4th not as good? And does Alien Vs. Predator have anything to do with that series? Whether it does or not is it good?
And honestly I haven't seen a whole lot of space films (well...actually I guess I have... ;) but I've READ a good deal of space BOOKS...now THERE'S an interesting list!! ;)
You'll be getting a lot of responses I suspect. Here's mine.
Alien was a good suspense movie. It was about being hunted
Aliens was a good action movie. It begins about being the hunters, moves towards the hunted, while keeping an element of power with the humans.
Alien 3 was a good
theme movie, it developed the overall story, brought in personality and character that was lacking in the previous two.
Alien 4 was a cash in. Joss Whedon's scripting couldn't save a blatant money maker. I really don't understand anyone defending it.
Alien Vs Predator 1 & 2: Are just carrying on the cash cow.