Stormwalker: "I’d often refer back to Doom and note that it was a great corridor shooter but a terrible maze game. My point was that after the enemies in an area of a Doom map had been destroyed, searching the empty hallways for the red keycard that you somehow missed – and which was the only way to get past a locked door – was incredibly annoying."
First of all, DOOM is a WAY better game than Crusader will ever be. Your red keycard example is bullshit. No commercial level released by ID ever suffered from this problem. Those levels were designed by top notch guys including John Romero himself. The architecture, pacing and flow of the levels are superb, and many times there ARE multiple ways to solve a problem, get a key, navigate a trap, etc. Keys and switches are never placed in random, clandestine spots. Honestly, anyone who spent hours looking for a keycard in a commercial DOOM level was probably retarded. Looks to me like you have selective memory, or maybe just an aversion to great games.
The amount of "mazes" in DOOM were minimal. Wolfenstein 3D, maybe, but not DOOM. DOOM's environments range from corrupted tech bases to cityscapes to hellish abbatoirs. There was a lot of height variation in DOOM, unlike Wolf 3D, and a designer could create towers, sewers, dungeons, rocky cliffs, pretty much anything. Ultimately, with a decent texture set and a little level design skill, a person can create any place he can imagine.
Also, I don't recall you being able to create your own levels for Crusader, while DOOM not only allows but encourages it. That's why DOOM still has a large active modding and level-making community with quality releases every year.
I could go on at length, but the bottom line is: When people compile a list of greatest games of all time, DOOM is always on that list. Crusader never is. Fuck you, Tony Zurovec. Don't talk shit on DOOM; keep its name out of your mouth.
Are you like, John Carmack or something? You need to calm waaaay the fuck the down. It's like he insulted your wife. It's pathetic.