Neobr10: I hate time limits and escort missions. I really do.
You know, I would as a rule, 100% agree with you on that. For the first time though, I found playing these types of missions in XCom:EU (ie. the "diffuse the bomb" and "escort" missions) were actually kinda fun, and challenging, without being insanely, or infuriatingly impossible, at least on "normal" difficulty ;-). The timed bomb diffusal missions allowed you to find and deactivate power source pods (buying you just a tad more time each deactivation) as you made your way to the bomb. And I found with the escort and rescue missions, if you moved your team and the "escort target" tactically like a real SWAT team (the Hunker Down option for the escortee was nice also) these missions were very fun and doable. As rule though, when I see these types pop up in a game, I get ready to head for a shot of tequila to chill my temper and frustration, lol
timppu: And for RTS games, please don't use the game speed as an element of challenge (FU, Warcraft 3 and Starcraft 2). RTS games are NOT supposed to be a test about how fast you can click and scroll the screen around.
As a big RTS like you, I couldn't agree more bro...think that's why I sometimes gravitate towards TBS games more and more...maybe I am just getting old too, lol