Posted January 13, 2013
I think that the line is crossed when a challenge is presented that you're completely unprepared for and therefore cannot retaliate against without the foreknowledge that you'll have when you go back to your last save to try again.
That line is crossed in FPS in which you're chance of success hinges entirely upon your knowledge of exactly where the enemies are. Shogo is one example of an extreme repeat offender here, but there are many like it.
RTS sometimes have a similar problem of sometimes throwing things at you in ways that you could not possibly predict. Supreme Commander Forged Alliance did this to such a degree that I lost interest.
The line is crossed in adventure games where you're required to pick things up or do things for no logical reason at certain points, because if you don't you'll wind up dead later on where you can't do anything about it.
I don't want games that are totally predictable. Nor do I want games where I can pull through with a perfect result without hardly trying. But games that just kill you out of nowhere without warning are the result of poor design, rather than an intelligently plotted challenge.
That line is crossed in FPS in which you're chance of success hinges entirely upon your knowledge of exactly where the enemies are. Shogo is one example of an extreme repeat offender here, but there are many like it.
RTS sometimes have a similar problem of sometimes throwing things at you in ways that you could not possibly predict. Supreme Commander Forged Alliance did this to such a degree that I lost interest.
The line is crossed in adventure games where you're required to pick things up or do things for no logical reason at certain points, because if you don't you'll wind up dead later on where you can't do anything about it.
I don't want games that are totally predictable. Nor do I want games where I can pull through with a perfect result without hardly trying. But games that just kill you out of nowhere without warning are the result of poor design, rather than an intelligently plotted challenge.