hedwards: My complaint is legitimate, the OP's isn't. Bitching about people bitching about the terms of a contest in the topic dedicated to the contest is pathetic whining. He'd have a point if FB wasn't involved at all or if FB was just one way of entering the contest, but a contest that's FB only is going to result in FB specific complaints.
It's not my problem if you're too unwilling to recognize that.
Firebrand9: You complain about other people's complaining and then miss the irony and hypocrisy by stating
your complaint is legitimate? Just.... Wow! lol
Yes, it's legitimate, as I already explained, bitching about people voicing their complaint in the appropriate topic is invalid. Like I said, just because you choose not to understand, does not make it incomprehensible. It just means you need to get yourself an education.
hedwards: That's all well and good when they don't make up the plurality. And when they're identified. Around here it seems to be about 90% of the people that are like that. And you don't know until after you've wasted time making friends that if you don't join the network you're not a friend.
Ultimately, FB is something that society would be best with out. I'm not normally one to object to technology on this sort of a basis, but FB itself is causing things to get worse. Combine that with a smartphone and people rarely talk to each other any more. Granted folks around here weren't exactly the most friendly to begin with, but now you're some sort of strange person if you say high to random people.
Firebrand9: You seem to have trouble with the idea of choice.
And you seem to have no idea about the needs of humans. One of those is the need to be connected to others. Around here, people don't talk to each other in person very often. And never strangers. So, if you're not engaged in the FB you're a pariah.
You also seem to have no idea what "shunning" is. Shunning, the practice of kicking people out of the community, is one of the more effective methods of controlling other people's behavior.
hedwards: No, they really and truly don't. Considering how much stuff I can learn about a person without having to do a google search or interview people that know them, I think it's pretty safe to say that most people don't understand the much larger number of connections and general information that can be had from multiple large databases covering all of their life.
I highly doubt that you're a veteran in IT if you don't understand what happens when big data gets a hold of your information from all over the net, reassembles it and analyzes it. People are pretty good about not saying the launch codes key is here and the schedule of the guy who has the football, but anybody that hasn't been trained in how to avoid leaking information will give up all that information and more if the requests are for small amounts of data at a time. In fact that's a fairly standard exercise to demonstrate why you can't talk about anything, no matter how trivial, related to a secured facility.
Just because you choose not to understand the risks, does not mean they don't exist. I'm mostly nervous because by the time we know what we're trying to avoid, it's going to be too late to get the information back. I'm not seeing anything too bad other than being unemployable, but who knows what it's going to look like in 20 years.

Firebrand9: *Facepalm of epic proportions* This is not how databases work. But, I'll let you cutely spread your fear-mongering based on a skewed view of how the underlying technology works all you want. I know what I'm doing, as do other people with a crumb of understanding, so your problems are just that. I'm sure you'll try to combat this, but it's already clear you don't know what the hell you're talking about.
Sigh, please tell me you're not responsible for security or managing the databases at where you work. Because this is precisely what big data already does. They mine the crap out of a large number of sources in order to find that information and more effectively sell to people.
This isn't paranoia, this is already the case. How do you think FB and Google fund their operations? Mainly via advertising revenues and that is heavily dependent upon knowing more about the consumers than they do about themselves.
Not to mention various other things like collection agencies and the NSA.
Anyways, I've already wasted enough of my time on your bullshit. Inform yourself because I have better things to do with my time than to argue with somebody that's willfully ignorant of the subject.