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I have one but I am on it so infrequently that I have a disclaimer on the about page :

"Business-owner who is too busy living life and achieving goals for the gee-whiz applications and games on Facebook. I have meaningful things to accomplish with my life. Noone else is going to make it happen for me. "Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% persiration"
- Thomas Edison -

If you read this far you should go take a look at the book "The Dumbest Generation" by Mark Bauerlein and seek to not become one of his statistics...

*** Email me direct or I'll summon demos to raid your fridge. See that email down there? Give that one a whirl ***"

Ironically I'm posting that here, but this is actually far better use of my time than the vacuous posts normally cluttering facebook; trite memes/truisms and people's whining.

It also helps that I have my Facebook locked down like a German concentration camp. I've made use of nearly all of the privacy setting and have multiple tiers of viewing for my page. I spent about a week getting all this set up, but the time was well worth it. It wards off a lot of drama and stops it dead in its tracks. Anyone who creates any drama of any sort gets blocked with extreme prejudice. No prisoners! I seriously don't have time for people's bullshit.
Robbeasy: Completely pointless waste of space and time

Mivas: Have you disable it or have you deleted it, i.e. sent a copy of your ID to Irish FB central with formal request? :D
You don't need to do that. You can easily find the actual delete link and permanently remove your account without any intervention from them. It stays deleted so long as you don't sign on again within 2 weeks.

hedwards: Cry me a river. The appropriate place for this is in the FB only contest thread. Not everybody has a FB account and having to sign up for another account on a site that's famous for spying on people and disrespecting the privacy of 3rd parties to make ridiculous sums of money is completely unreasonable.
Speaking of cry me a river, noone is forcing it upon you. If you don't want it, don't do it. All you're forgoing is whatever carrot GOG is dangling in front of you. Big fucking deal!

hedwards: I've had numerous people over the years stop responding to me because they were too fucking lazy to deal with even short emails.
HereForTheBeer: Sums up my gripe, though I suppose it's not so much about facebook but instead the people who have made it their near-exclusive form of personal contact.
I just refuse to deal with those people. People I want to be able to contact me have my email and phone number. I don't have time to check a ton of different accounts. I get facebook Messages emailed to my email account as per my email settings. I train people by not being very timely about responding to them. So far, this strategy has worked well. For who it hasn't? Fuck 'em!

RedRagan: Twitter? I have twitter. I actually like Twitter because limitation force people to be much more creative. But I swear if you use shortened mobile phone messaging talk on twitter I will strangle you.
Post edited October 11, 2013 by Firebrand9
FB is the literal version of what people talk about when they reference biblical texts about how the Devil is going to be putting barcode tattoos or computer chips to keep track of everyone.

You are all very smart to view FB as the evil entity that it is.

Those of you that don't. I pray that someday you'll wake up to what FB really is.

And for all the crying over privacy ... (NSA leaks etc)

It amazes me how so many people willingly give up their privacy so freely. You do realize that you are on the internet.... right?

You never know who's watching you, or what they can or will do with the information you put on the internet.

What you may think is a harmless photo.... can be used against you in more ways than you could possilby think of.
Maybe not today, but tomorrow, or the next day.

Think about it.

I'll give you just one example.

What if you suddenly won the Powerball?
Suddenly, you realize that....your FB account has given information to people about who your contacts are, who you hang out with, who your family is, what they look like, where they might hang out..... then suddenly one of them gets kidnapped and your being extorted for money for their freedom.

Think it can't happen?

Ok, one more example.

"What is your mothers maiden name?"

Some of you probably have this information somewhere in your FB world.
Some of you probably use this option for password recovery help.

"But I have my privacy settings on lockdown" don't.
Post edited October 11, 2013 by MrEos
I never signed up for Facebook. It is entirely mysterious to me.
MrEos: FB is the literal version of what people talk about when they reference biblical texts about how the Devil is going to be putting barcode tattoos or computer chips to keep track of everyone.

You are all very smart to view FB as the evil entity that it is.

(Insert conspiracy theories here)
Crack is bad for you.

I'm sure most people have an idea of what data-mining is (at least I do as a 20-year veteran in IT and game development) and take that into account in either steering clear or being frugal about the information provided. Perhaps if you had a modicum more knowledge on the subject you wouldn't be spouting this sort of verbal diarrhea fear-mongering. That, or this gets my trolling award for the day.
Post edited October 12, 2013 by Firebrand9
Never created an account, simply detested the idea of posting under my real name and to be honest I would be interested to speaking on the net to few people that I know in the real world as I'm not that enthusiastic to speaking with them in the first place.
My opinion on facebook? - Let's see:

I don't have an FB-account, nor will I ever have one.

All the people I (really) like, know my home address, phone number, mobile phone number and email address - the same goes vice versa.

I don't need any of that anti-social-network-services. Because that's what they really are: anti-social.
They only pretend to be "oh-so-social".

Whenever I see a TV-report or read an article about some new atrocity, that FB thinks of as cool to implement, I have a conversation with my subconcious.

My subconcious: "See, I told ya, not to touch that garbage with a ten foot pole."
Me: "Yeah, and you were totally right about it."
My subconcious: "As I always am."
Me: "Yeah, you really are, aren't you!?"
My subconcious: "Of course I am - you really should listen more often to my good advice!"
Me: "Yeah, I really should."
My subconcious (patting me on my shoulder): "Good boy."
Me: "Now,...where are those Tortilla chips and the nacho cheese sauce...that and a sixpack, and I'm ready to go for the 12 hour gaming marathon..."
My subconcious: "sigh"
I use it for real life friends, internet friends, family, and following certain things I like (games, companies, tv shows, movies, etc) and that's it. That's all I feel it should be used for. Let's be honest, half the people you follow on facebook you don't really know at all. I don't add everyone I see, and I don't really play facebook games.. overall... eh.
MrEos: What if you suddenly won the Powerball?
> lectures us about the advantages of anonymity
> plays the lottery
Lol!! I actually never really created any serious and real Facebook account. I only created to gain access for photos of my favorite artists. And once i got them all, i'll deactivate my account. :D I don't understand why it's popular...
Firebrand9: I have one but I am on it so infrequently that I have a disclaimer on the about page :
Nice post:)
MrEos: What if you suddenly won the Powerball?
Starmaker: > lectures us about the advantages of anonymity
> plays the lottery
And what the hell is a Powerball anyway?
Starmaker: lottery
Elmofongo: Powerball
If we were playing Jeopardy, you'd have gotten points for that reply.
Post edited October 12, 2013 by Maighstir
BreOl72: My opinion on facebook? - Let's see:

I don't have an FB-account, nor will I ever have one.

All the people I (really) like, know my home address, phone number, mobile phone number and email address - the same goes vice versa.

I don't need any of that anti-social-network-services. Because that's what they really are: anti-social.
They only pretend to be "oh-so-social".
hedwards: Cry me a river. The appropriate place for this is in the FB only contest thread. Not everybody has a FB account and having to sign up for another account on a site that's famous for spying on people and disrespecting the privacy of 3rd parties to make ridiculous sums of money is completely unreasonable.
Firebrand9: Speaking of cry me a river, noone is forcing it upon you. If you don't want it, don't do it. All you're forgoing is whatever carrot GOG is dangling in front of you. Big fucking deal!
My complaint is legitimate, the OP's isn't. Bitching about people bitching about the terms of a contest in the topic dedicated to the contest is pathetic whining. He'd have a point if FB wasn't involved at all or if FB was just one way of entering the contest, but a contest that's FB only is going to result in FB specific complaints.

It's not my problem if you're too unwilling to recognize that.

HereForTheBeer: Sums up my gripe, though I suppose it's not so much about facebook but instead the people who have made it their near-exclusive form of personal contact.
Firebrand9: I just refuse to deal with those people. People I want to be able to contact me have my email and phone number. I don't have time to check a ton of different accounts. I get facebook Messages emailed to my email account as per my email settings. I train people by not being very timely about responding to them. So far, this strategy has worked well. For who it hasn't? Fuck 'em!
That's all well and good when they don't make up the plurality. And when they're identified. Around here it seems to be about 90% of the people that are like that. And you don't know until after you've wasted time making friends that if you don't join the network you're not a friend.

Ultimately, FB is something that society would be best with out. I'm not normally one to object to technology on this sort of a basis, but FB itself is causing things to get worse. Combine that with a smartphone and people rarely talk to each other any more. Granted folks around here weren't exactly the most friendly to begin with, but now you're some sort of strange person if you say high to random people.
MrEos: FB is the literal version of what people talk about when they reference biblical texts about how the Devil is going to be putting barcode tattoos or computer chips to keep track of everyone.

You are all very smart to view FB as the evil entity that it is.

(Insert conspiracy theories here)
Firebrand9: Crack is bad for you.

I'm sure most people have an idea of what data-mining is (at least I do as a 20-year veteran in IT and game development) and take that into account in either steering clear or being frugal about the information provided. Perhaps if you had a modicum more knowledge on the subject you wouldn't be spouting this sort of verbal diarrhea fear-mongering. That, or this gets my trolling award for the day.
No, they really and truly don't. Considering how much stuff I can learn about a person without having to do a google search or interview people that know them, I think it's pretty safe to say that most people don't understand the much larger number of connections and general information that can be had from multiple large databases covering all of their life.

I highly doubt that you're a veteran in IT if you don't understand what happens when big data gets a hold of your information from all over the net, reassembles it and analyzes it. People are pretty good about not saying the launch codes key is here and the schedule of the guy who has the football, but anybody that hasn't been trained in how to avoid leaking information will give up all that information and more if the requests are for small amounts of data at a time. In fact that's a fairly standard exercise to demonstrate why you can't talk about anything, no matter how trivial, related to a secured facility.

Just because you choose not to understand the risks, does not mean they don't exist. I'm mostly nervous because by the time we know what we're trying to avoid, it's going to be too late to get the information back. I'm not seeing anything too bad other than being unemployable, but who knows what it's going to look like in 20 years.
Post edited October 12, 2013 by hedwards
I hate Facebook as a representative of mass spying allowed by law...
I just don´t understand how a company can even get the right to claum the rights on EVERYTHING you upload on their site!

Oh, and if GOG would do a survey I´d vote for dropping everything linked to facebook.