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I like it; it lets me keep daily contact with my brothers and old friends. It's also a convenient repository for photos of me that I don't mind my dad seeing. I don't friend people who I met once at a party somewhere, and --sorry, GOG--I don't use it to follow businesses. If GOG wants to announce something to the world, they can do so on their website.
hedwards: FB is huge because companies like GOG make people use it.
Nope, they are huge because <i>people</i> use it. FFS, Google Plus is famous for (their failure of) not having had corporate accounts when it launched. I mean, you could say it was exactly the reason they aren't as popular as facebook, but I seriously doubt they could've committed a blunder this large. No one signs up for a social network to (sorry for the dirty words) "engage with brands" - rather, a brand wants to, figuratively speaking, quietly photobomb FB users' party pix, to position itself as yet another friend.

hedwards: FB itself will blow over eventually. But, the bottom line is that GOG is supposed to be better than this. They used to be cool, they used to understand that people are not fond of standard practices and they did some cool stuff. But, this is just ridiculous.
Who isn't fond of standard practices - GOG's facebook followers? Why can't other facebook haters deal with the idea that some things are just not for us? Facebook users are also people, and they might not want to check every damn forum every damn day, and GOG needs to market to them. Yes, FB will blow over - and when it does and maintaining a facebook presence becomes unprofitable, GOG will leave that pos for the next big thing. But we're here and now, and it's still huge, and GOG wants more existing facebook users to opt in to receive promo alerts and release announcements. If you prefer a communications channel that does not insult your intelligence, [url=http://feed://]there is one[/i][/url].
When I'm home, playing games on my PC I constantly have my Mac laptop next to me with FB loaded as well
I mainly use it to Skype my girlfriend down in London mostly every night
I think the people who think that FB is full of posts of vacuous crap just have vacuous friends, MY friends post interesting things and keep me up to date with current affairs!
I've also played the games off and on, these days its mainly just Words With Friends (although I DO also have the Smartphone app for that one on my Android that beeps when its my go!) but I got pretty addicted to CastleVille around when my Mum died last year, I think it really helped me cope, I was just too depressed to play anything with any chance of losing or dying!
So yeah, I don't think its too bad, personally!
Post edited October 11, 2013 by Fever_Discordia
It's boring..
hedwards: I've had numerous people over the years stop responding to me because they were too fucking lazy to deal with even short emails.
Sums up my gripe, though I suppose it's not so much about facebook but instead the people who have made it their near-exclusive form of personal contact. The lack of a facebook account means I'm no longer worthy of being part of one's life? Guess I know what kind of friend that is...


As far as the drawing part of it goes (it's not a contest)... meh. I don't use fb so I miss out on those contests. No biggie. Kinda hard to complain about not having the chance to get something for free. If instead it were, "Like us on facebook in order to be allowed to purchase Awesome Title XYZ," then I'd be a grump about it.

Concerning the whole "like" thing in general... if the 108 games in my gOg library aren't enough to convince gOg that I "like" them, then they have some personal issues to sort through. I can't imagine people decide to avoid gOg simply because the company doesn't have enough "likes", so in that regard I don't really see the point.
Opinion like the topic about phone and silly poses, ego trip and selfish individualism modern culture crap.
I hate everything about it. I have an account, but I don't use it. I maybe login once a month. The main thing that pisses me off is how others can post pictures of you and tag you. If I wanted a picture connected to my account, I would upload it myself.
Everyone I know uses it an always assume I read some bit of news they posted on Facebook. Sorry sis, I don't read Facebook nor do I want to read Facebook.
I made an account a couple years ago when I moved overseas, so my family could get updates and see pictures. I didn't delete it after coming home, though I barely use it. It's a good way to connect to people quickly, if that is your goal.
If GOG promised to automatically add every game in the catalog to my account, plus all future releases for the rest of my natural life, in exchange for a single like from my Facebook; I would still not sign up for a FB account.

That ,I think, should make my opinion pretty clear.
hedwards: FB is huge because companies like GOG make people use it.
Starmaker: Nope, they are huge because <i>people</i> use it. FFS, Google Plus is famous for (their failure of) not having had corporate accounts when it launched. I mean, you could say it was exactly the reason they aren't as popular as facebook, but I seriously doubt they could've committed a blunder this large. No one signs up for a social network to (sorry for the dirty words) "engage with brands" - rather, a brand wants to, figuratively speaking, quietly photobomb FB users' party pix, to position itself as yet another friend.
The main draw of FB is that it's huge. It's highly likely that somebody that you want to contact has an account there. There are other options such as QQ, but none of them have as many users. And at this point, it's really hard for folks that have accounts for years to move them elsewhere or to knowingly consent to policy changes as they don't necessarily remember what they've posted.

Social networks, like ad networks, depend a great deal on the number of people there.

hedwards: FB itself will blow over eventually. But, the bottom line is that GOG is supposed to be better than this. They used to be cool, they used to understand that people are not fond of standard practices and they did some cool stuff. But, this is just ridiculous.
Starmaker: Who isn't fond of standard practices - GOG's facebook followers? Why can't other facebook haters deal with the idea that some things are just not for us? Facebook users are also people, and they might not want to check every damn forum every damn day, and GOG needs to market to them. Yes, FB will blow over - and when it does and maintaining a facebook presence becomes unprofitable, GOG will leave that pos for the next big thing. But we're here and now, and it's still huge, and GOG wants more existing facebook users to opt in to receive promo alerts and release announcements. If you prefer a communications channel that does not insult your intelligence, [url=http://feed://]there is one[/i][/url].
Why should we have to? I'm not a hater because I hate FB, I hate FB for completely legitimate reasons.

Ultimately when organizations like GOG use FB for exclusives, it makes it less and less viable to avoid FB. This isn't fundamentally different from the internet which is functionally mandatory whether or not you want to be online. There's an increasing number of services that are only available online.

GOG didn't used to do this, this is a new thing in the last year or so, which is to say they were growing like gangbusters AND THEN they decided to engage in this FB bullshit. They've had a FB account for quite a while, but they weren't pressuring people to have and use one.
hedwards: I've had numerous people over the years stop responding to me because they were too fucking lazy to deal with even short emails.
HereForTheBeer: Sums up my gripe, though I suppose it's not so much about facebook but instead the people who have made it their near-exclusive form of personal contact. The lack of a facebook account means I'm no longer worthy of being part of one's life? Guess I know what kind of friend that is..
I'd rather not have this in common with you. But, OTOH, I guess it's nice that I'm not the only one. I'd prefer to have something more constructive in common.

To be fair though, most of those people aren't the most thoughtful people anyways, but it's still rather annoying to waste time making a friend and then learn that FB is a prerequisite at some point.
jjsimp: I hate everything about it. I have an account, but I don't use it. I maybe login once a month. The main thing that pisses me off is how others can post pictures of you and tag you. If I wanted a picture connected to my account, I would upload it myself.
Everyone I know uses it an always assume I read some bit of news they posted on Facebook. Sorry sis, I don't read Facebook nor do I want to read Facebook.
If not for that and those damned "like button"spies all over the net I wouldn't care one way or the other. What we need is legislation requiring that people opt into being tagged.
Post edited October 11, 2013 by hedwards
I cybersquat the account of my name, I log 5 minutes once every 3 months. I don't use it to communicate with my family. I don't even have friends registered as such on that dreadful thing.
The only thing I like about Facebook is being able to get updates from my favorite bands. I'm not interested in it for anything else.
I don't have one. I have a Friendster account though.

GET OFF MY VIRTUAL LAWN! *shakes hand*

Even if I create one I probably only update it once every 6 months or a year.

Twitter? I have twitter. I actually like Twitter because limitation force people to be much more creative. But I swear if you use shortened mobile phone messaging talk on twitter I will strangle you.
It does not make the world go round and fortunately the world does not revolve around it. Not yet anyway, thank goodness.
WTF: Never used it, never will. Very annoying when everything tries to shove it down my throat.
I get that as well, makes me want to become even more of a Digi-Hermit than I am already.