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Kunovski: it's the best way of contacting somebody in an instant, be it a friend from another country or your brother down the block (especially him, as he NEVER carries his phone with him, and if he does, it's on mute :P
timppu: If his phone is on mute and he doesn't even carry it with him, how can he notice your FB contact attempt?

I guess for FB to work like that, all your friends should always be near a device that has a FB client running (PC, tablet, smartphone, whatever), and the FB client would have to be active at all times on their device.

At least I would disable FB on my smartphone, just in order to save battery and data usage.
well, my brother is almost always sitting in front of his computer, while his phone is somewhere at the bottom of his bag or a drawer :D he almost never uses it and reads text messages often with 1+ days delay :D so it's best to just drop him a line through FB... another example - my friend lives partly in Austria and partly in the Czech Republic; I never rarely know where he's present at the moment and as he uses two phones, one here and one in Australia, it's again easier to just write to him on FB where I know he'll read it soon
Kunovski: another example - my friend lives partly in Austria and partly in the Czech Republic; I never rarely know where he's present at the moment and as he uses two phones, one here and one in Australia, it's again easier to just write to him on FB where I know he'll read it soon
Yeah, naturally. I still do that old-skool, with email. I use their work email addresses, which they read pretty much every day anyway. But most people probably don't read email on their phones, though.
Nirth: Facebook is a great tool for marketing/PR, it's to spread the word. That is all.
Of course I know that, but what do I care? GOG's PR is not *my* problem. I come here and give them my money, do they also expect me to care for their PR? Surely, noone forces me to take part in contests. But I feel it's unfair that I am buying games here, posting on the forum and still contests (and rewards) aren't meant for me. I feel GOG doesn't teat us fair in this regard.
A worthless pile of shit and I it can kiss my bony white bu......Oh wait.....That says "Your opinion on Facebook". I thought it read "Your opinion of Facebook".

My bad! Sorry.
Facebook is the best source of news information about things you like. RSS was never that good as facebook.

Today, almost every company and product has a facebook page.

I use FB primarily as a news feed.
Nirth: Facebook is a great tool for marketing/PR, it's to spread the word. That is all.
inc09nito: Of course I know that, but what do I care? GOG's PR is not *my* problem. I come here and give them my money, do they also expect me to care for their PR? Surely, noone forces me to take part in contests. But I feel it's unfair that I am buying games here, posting on the forum and still contests (and rewards) aren't meant for me. I feel GOG doesn't teat us fair in this regard.
exactly, they don't expect you to... but if you do, you have a chance to win a prize they're offering... that seems fair :)

EDIT: price and prize is not the same obviously :D
Post edited October 11, 2013 by Kunovski
Don't like it, don't use it, not fond of GOG staff using it to promote news that can't be found on GOG's very own website and forums. But then again, I already got enough free games not to care about FB giveaways and such, so whatever. I'm much more annoyed by the new smartphone/tablet design of the gamecards. But that's grumpy old men to you, we always find something to nag about, how it was better in the old days and how all these new trends that we can't relate to anymore are just rubbish ruining the youth and everything else (not that it isn't true, at least from our point of view :P).
Post edited October 11, 2013 by Leroux
tykinruoka: I disabled it for the first 6 months and then when I was sure that I didn't need it, I requested that they delete my account.
I see.

There was an period when Facebook made it really hard to delete all your information. I checked newer facts after entering this discussion and it's nice to see they loosen their policy by a couple of clicks again.
Yes, I use it lots. Absolutely essential for me considering that I have lived in 5+ countries in my life and the vast majority of my friends are international. It has helped me maintain friendships which would otherwise have been lost, as well as rediscover lost friendships.
I have been Facebook-free for a few years now. I honestly understand why GOG markets via Facebook, and I don't blame them one bit for doing it. It would be nice to have multiple avenues for entering GOG contests, though, instead of just "like us on Facebook to enter". I mean, I see buttons for Facebook, Twitter, and Google plus at the bottom of the screen, so why not allow people to advertise on whichever social network they prefer? My guess is that there is a target number that GOG's marketing department wants to hit on Facebook, so this is a drive to make that happen. The reality is that the people who don't use Facebook don't use it for a reason, and they won't change their minds just to win a bit of swag.
I don't use it and have no interest in it whatsoever
inc09nito: 2) GOG using facebook for contests and this is the issue we want to discuss really. I think it sucks and I don't really understand why we are forced to make fb accounts to take part in contests. We are buying games HERE, we are discussing games HERE, the GOG community is HERE, not on facebook. GOG, what the hell are you doing? :(
You are discussing games here. A vast majority of the audience doesn't, but they ARE on facebook. Hell, if you look around the subforums, there are people active whom you never ever see in GD. GD is tiny. Facebook is HUGE. Deal with it.
Killigangog: Facebook annoys me and it annoys me to see it mentioned in all the contest discussions.
Share your opinion on Facebook here!
Cry me a river. The appropriate place for this is in the FB only contest thread. Not everybody has a FB account and having to sign up for another account on a site that's famous for spying on people and disrespecting the privacy of 3rd parties to make ridiculous sums of money is completely unreasonable.

What The Fuck happened, GOG, you used to be cool.
That's the thing, they're constantly doing crap like that, so you never know if it's safe to go in the pool. Bottom line is that people like the OP need to just accept that FB only contests are going to draw a lot of criticism from those of us that understand just how dangerous FB is.
inc09nito: 2) GOG using facebook for contests and this is the issue we want to discuss really. I think it sucks and I don't really understand why we are forced to make fb accounts to take part in contests. We are buying games HERE, we are discussing games HERE, the GOG community is HERE, not on facebook. GOG, what the hell are you doing? :(
Starmaker: Marketing.
You are discussing games here. A vast majority of the audience doesn't, but they ARE on facebook. Hell, if you look around the subforums, there are people active whom you never ever see in GD. GD is tiny. Facebook is HUGE. Deal with it.
FB is huge because companies like GOG make people use it. FB itself will blow over eventually. But, the bottom line is that GOG is supposed to be better than this. They used to be cool, they used to understand that people are not fond of standard practices and they did some cool stuff. But, this is just ridiculous.

It's a great way to get an ego blowjob with the large number of "friends"out there, but it's fucking ruining social interactions as you have to have a FB account or people just ignore you. I've had numerous people over the years stop responding to me because they were too fucking lazy to deal with even short emails.
Post edited October 11, 2013 by hedwards
inc09nito: Of course I know that, but what do I care? GOG's PR is not *my* problem. I come here and give them my money, do they also expect me to care for their PR? Surely, noone forces me to take part in contests. But I feel it's unfair that I am buying games here, posting on the forum and still contests (and rewards) aren't meant for me. I feel GOG doesn't teat us fair in this regard.
Don't you think that after weeks of contests that run here on the forum such a statement is a bit on the over-emotional reaction scale?
I wont' deny that for a longish time it feld like they were sort of neglecting the non_socially_networked GOG community, but I think they've listened to the complaints and are now making a better effort to balance things out.

inc09nito: I think that there are two things to keep in mind:
1) facebook itself - I don't give a damn about it, I just don't use this garbage
2) GOG using facebook for contests and this is the issue we want to discuss really. I think it sucks and I don't really understand why we are forced to make fb accounts to take part in contests. We are buying games HERE, we are discussing games HERE, the GOG community is HERE, not on facebook. GOG, what the hell are you doing? :(
I see you have corrected yourself on the "GOG forces me to make/ have a Facebook account" :-)
Just my two cents on the other part of your post - the GOG community is not limited to these forums only, parts of the GOG community live and interact more on social networks than they do on the forum and it's perfectly understandable/ acceptable that GOG does stuff for those parts as well.
No one should be left out, but not everything can or should cater to each one's personal preferences all the time.

Leroux: Don't like it, don't use it, not fond of GOG staff using it to promote news that can't be found on GOG's very own website and forums.
This - the need to remember to check these sites for potentially exclusive_to_them GOG news is what bothers me the most.

tinyE: snip
Oh wait.....That says "Your opinion on Facebook". I thought it read "Your opinion of Facebook".
Ha ha, well spotted.
I enjoy using Facebook. Which apparently puts me in a distinct minority around here.

The secret (for me, at least) is to use the site for staying in touch with family and friends, and not get distracted or sidetracked by all the uselessness. I don't play the games there, and I make use of the feature that says, "Block these kinds of posts." So my news feed is for the most part precisely that: news.

And jokes. I also follow a lot of humor pages. Some days they're the high point. Most days, actually. :p