TheCheese33: Persona 4. I tell everyone I hate anime and everything about it, yet here I am, playing a game that's heavy, heavy anime, and enjoying the crap out of it. Maybe I convince myself I hate anime because all the students at my high school who like that stuff push it forward into every part of their life. One of them thinks he's a vampire, and has been sent to the office many times for cutting into himself and drinking his own blood. To associate with them would alienate me from everyone in my class in an instant.
For that reason, I only play Persona 4 at 5 AM (two hours before swimming), room locked, headphones. I hide the game at the bottom of my cabinet, along with my *gulp* Bleach series.
Please don't tell me I'm becoming an otaku...
Don't worry. Your no wheres near close enough to be considered an otaku. You would have to start making anime the only form of TV that you watch, alienate yourself from everyone you know(intentionally), and masturbate to hentai(A LOT). Also, otaku are usually cosplayers and vice-versa.
On a completely related note, there is a girl at my school named Megan who thinks she is a vampire. Sorry, to be specific she thinks she is the reincarnation of a half-vampire. She has none of the weaknesses that normal vampires have(Such as the sun and garlic) but has many powers that normal vampires do not(Such as her supposed heat vision. Seriously). When I asked her to prove to me that she had any of these powers she said she didn't want to be kicked out of school so she couldn't do them in public. She then offered me to come to her house so she could show me her powers. I abruptly refused.