Looks like I went crazy during a summer sale... FTL followed by King of Dragon Pass and then a lot of what were probably bundles, like from Spiderweb Software (Avernum etc.), an adventure bundle (Blackwell bundle and others) a D&D RPG bundle (I really do need to get around to playing Baldur's Gate someday!) and a 4X bundle. Because you have to check out each bundle separately I remember it made my credit card company really cranky because I checked out several on one day, and I had to call them to re-activate it because they couldn't believe I'd make several small purchases to the same site all in one day.
About a third of my first purchases were repurchases of games I'd already played, such as KoDP, many of the Spiderweb games, ToEE, NWN, Master of Magic, Master of Orion, etc. It's just really nice to be able to download those games and not have to worry about losing the discs, as I have inevitably done in many cases during moves etc. And if I'd already played and liked a few games in a bundle it definitely advocated for the rest. Also, having the older games packaged to run on newer systems is really nice.