I am not sure what your parameters are here. Do you want first electronic game, first PC or console games played or owned? Anyway, here's the list :)
The first electronic games I remember were things like
and [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Merlin_%28game%29]Merlin I actually had a Merlin, but only played Simon on other people's machines. I also had a
Quiz Wiz once Other than that, there were arcade machines and the early public demonstrations at Kmart of
(and later [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pitfall!]Pitfall &
Joust) that I played fairly often. There were tiny games that I could type in manually to the early computers at school or load up with cassette tapes. [Its odd to think that the most basic shovelware or student projects are fancier than those old programs!]
The first long electronic game I played was Zork I (interactive fiction,) which I played exclusively at school (they had a group license for that and several more
Infocom games because my favorite Professor convinced them that it taught logic skills ;)
I was also allowed to play the Atari 2600 machine at my Step-Father's parents' house as a tween. I loved
Air-Sea battle the most. (I was really tickled to get an Atari anthology that had that one in it in recent years.) The only console I got in the early days was a hand-me-down of one of those early computer/console hybrids from a wealthy relation and that one didn't actually work. Either it was a lemon or 'Ickle Dudleykins' had busted it before handing it off to me. After I got married, years later, my new husband and I got another used computer system in Texas which came with the first computer game that I actually owned -
M.U.L.E. - but the instructions were missing so I thought it was broken instead of intentionally cantankerous. lol I didn't play that one very much. That same year my husband and I were given an NES as a gift from my Mom, and she included (new) the first Zelda, Super Mario 3, and the system came with Duck Hunt & Super Mario Bros. Those were the first console games for both of us, and they were wonderful!
We bought our first fully functional computer in the early 90's and naturally the first things we played on it were solitaire and minesweeper. We played a lot of computer games back then but most were borrowed or rented - yes, rented. That was the best way to go back then (until it was banned) because the games could be $50-100 each!
First big game we bought (2ndhand) was Sid Meier's Civilization. The first new PC games we got came with hardware bought for Myst. The cd-rom kit alone included 7th Guest, Labyrinth of Time, Star Wars Chess, and... I'm blanking on the 4th game. It was either the graphics or the sound card that had Journeyman 1, or was that in one of the first value packs we saw?
Deals like that were common in '93-'94, as this old magazine shows you. I am not sure now. I do remember that at one point the very best deals were cd-roms sold in long, cascading clear plastic sleeves.