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I love adventure games.. I really enjoy the story, the puzzles, figuring things out, and just enjoying the ride. I have been playing them from the days of text adventures, to modern ones.. But i figured i would ask the fans here at Gog, to post their favs, just in case something pops that i might not have thought about.

for the record, my favs to date..

Blade runner, (when is this coming to gog! a westwoods classic) If you know the movie you know what it is about.

Syberia, A game that is very different from most puzzle adventures i have played. It has a very personal story feel to it. It is told in such a way, that you end up feeling for the protagonist, and the way she is developed is unique, through phone calls, and thoughts. Part II, was not quite as good, but still worth playing. All stories from both outside of 2 from the second were solvable, though part II did have 2, 4 digit numbers that i could find no clue to.. and i ended up going to a walk through for. When the game was done i was sad it was over.

Flight of the amazon. got that free right here a while back. Old school, but pretty fun. Just about everything is solvable with some time. Really enjoyed the story, and it had a romancing the stone vibe to it.

Scratches, A haunted house to discover a small secret. Over all the game was short, and not all that scary, and the puzzles were decent. Not the best game, but as a adventure fan, it was worth the couple bucks i paid.

Anna, A 3D adventure that takes place in a haunted sawmill. While the premise is simple, the game is very odd. It is filled with surprises and supernatural along with i think 8 endings, that can and will bring you back to play again.. This game does have it's fair share of pixel hunting, and finding those are a big part of the endings you experience.. But no worries, if you don't find them, you can get some pretty surprising endings which is worth it in itself.

The longest Journey.. "It's a pen!" Loved this game. The girl that voices the main character just sounds so sweet. The puzzles are interesting, but solvable. But where this game shines is the story. It is one long ride too, i think it took me around 25 hours to get through the whole game. What a ride!

heroines' quest. A new game made in the classic adventure style.. while i did not make it through the whole game, i did play about half, and got stuck.. But i will say, i will go back to it again one day to complete the journey. It has a bit of puzzle, and survival aspects, along with 3 different play styles, from magic, sword play, or rouge. Pretty unique game, and best of all free!

Games i own, but never got to playing (yet) Just grabbed dreamfall which i am playing now, not as good as the first yet, but still fun. I also own, gabriel knight, bards tale, leisure suit larry, and just grabbed something called sanitarium.

So what would you all recommend i get to help fuel my adventure game needs?
'The Dig'.

I read the book by Alan Dean Foster when it first came out, then I discovered there was a game as well.
Lots of great memories plus I really like sci-fi games, if they are adventure games even better.

However I don't think there are enough sci-fi adventure games as a whole, so the game still stands out to me.
I'm really hoping it will eventually appear on GOG considering their recent LucasArts releases.

Other than this the Myst, Tex Murphy and Gabriel Knight series are all big favourites.
Some newer ones I really liked was 'The Longest Journey', 'Fahrenheit', and 'Cognition'.

Two of the most memorable adventure games I've played were 'Sanitarium' and 'I have no mouth and I must scream'.
Really dark and somewhat uncomfortable to experience, but addictively interesting and highly unique.

I'm currently keeping my eyes out for two games in particular:
* Stasis ([url=][/url])
* J.U.L.I.A.: Among the Stars ([url=][/url])

They are both really interesting-looking sci-fi adventure games.
Stasis is not released yet, but JULIA is...however only on Steam and I want it DRM-free.

I thankfully forget puzzles rather quickly so replaying adventure games is always semi-new to me, in any case I enjoy these games as much for the acting, storylines, characters and atmospheres as I do the actual gameplay.
I mean to me Tex Murphy games are all about Tex Murphy.
Hero's Quest Series, King's Quest Series, Police Quest Series, Space Quest Series, Indiana Jones Series, Monkey Island Series, Maniac Mansion Series, Sam n Max Series, Full Throttle, The Legend of Kyrandia Series, Gabriel Knight Series, Broken Sword Series, Disc World Series, Simon the Sorcerer Series, and much, much more...
I was kinda fixated (and still are) in police quest 2 it's not the best but it was different, fav might be gabriel 1 or broken sword 1 or disc world hmm 1. =)
i like broken age at the minute, but i love the puzzle agent games. why? the gnomes made me.
some oldies,

zork grand inquisitor
beneath a steel sky
black mirror series
the last door
gabriel knight 1,2
blade runner
the myst series, my fav is riven
richard and alice
to the moon
tex murphy series, stellar games
the raven
grey matter
1954 alcatraz

these are off the top of my head as being reasonably fun without too many glitches or annoyances, there are other games that others seem to love but I found them unplayable like farenheit, gabriel knight 3 or so bland/infinite item combining to the point that sucked the fun out of it like the runaway series

the good news with the sales going on you can buy any title for so cheap it really doesnt matter if its a hit with you or not
I haven't finished all the adventure games in my backlog, but so far my favorites are:
Sam & Max Hit the Road - Great humor and excellent artwork
Little Big Adventure - A really charming world with interesting gameplay
Alone in the Dark - The original game, struck the right balance in tone and gameplay. I also preferred New Nightmare to 2 and 3 for the same reason.
The Legend of Kyrandia Trilogy - The second book is the best with logical puzzles, good pacing, great artwork, and a fun story.
Beneath a Steel Sky - An interesting sci-fi tale, has a nice setting and story. And it's free!
Normality - Great blend of first-person gameplay with adventure elements
Realms of the Haunting - Used the same engine as Normality but told an interesting dark story and with combat now implemented.
Inherit the Earth - I really like the artwork, it's got an interesting setting, and the puzzles felt fair. The world did feel a bit empty at times, it seems due to troubled development.
Amerzone: The Explorer's Legacy - A point-and-click game with some
The Penumbra games - An intriguing first-person horror/mystery that incorporated physics with the gameplay and controls in an innovative way.
I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream - A mature story with well developed characters and a unique premise.
Flight of the Amazon Queen - Just a fun, graphic novel-style adventure.
Sanitarium - A great dark, mystery adventure game.
Lone Survivor: Director's Cut - Despite the visuals it can be a pretty terrifying game if you let yourself get immersed in it.
Many of the above, so, I'll just chuck in Lost Horizon, very enjoyable game.
Leisure Suit Larry 6 and 7
Full Throttle
Monkey Island 3

Erm, anyway, Day of the Tentacle...
im seeing some titles that I havent heard of before and am intrigued.....( goes to google)
I agree with Syberia being a great game because it was my first. I have also enjoyed the Broken Sword series and Gabriel Knight series.

Erm, anyway, Day of the Tentacle...
I said Maniac Mansion Series. :P
some more that I forgot

Faust: Seven games of the soul.... creepy bit of fun

daymare town: freebie

the x files game: fmv adventure
Sanitarium . That's it .