Crassmaster: Sorry, someone acting like a twit talking about "I'm considering taking them to court." when he has no reason or case deserves a bit of flak.
Weclock: you can do it, but I'd say consider doing it in a way that won't hurt future relationships, whether between you or him, or with someone else on the board, otherwise you build a crazy persona of a dude who is totally un-like who you really are.
I feel his pain, because it happened to me, and I have over 130 games on there too (about 139, actually). I know what he's feeling, he's out raged, and many people here are unsympathetic which escalates it even further.
I'd like to meet the man who didn't over react when all the shit hits the fan, and it's on his head.
However, read Anjohl's post...he hasn't had his account cut off. He has over 130 games which he has full and complete access to, but he doesn't play them as much because of his feelings about Valve, so he's thinking about taking them to court. That's sheer stupidity.
I have NO issues with yourself or the original OP or anyone else who HAS had their Steam account cut off for pretty BS reasons. You have every right to be angry and outraged!
However, to take them to court because 'I don't like them anymore'...neither do I, that's why I don't do business with them. That's how an adult deals with not liking a company.