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I got so stuck in Treasure Adventure Game that I started to feel like the game got bugged or something (it's more likely that I just didn't get what to do next).
I should probably check a walkthrough. Though I would need to start from the beginning anyway since I formatted my other drive. Really need to do that someday, the game was great.
tinyE: 'snip
To be fair their are some people who shouldn't be around technology

Although, I do agree they shouldn't be condescending to their faces.
Post edited December 17, 2012 by Thunderstone
tinyE: This place is too fun.

I'm gonna log off now so I can download the two FPS I bought here today so that I can have them ready tomorrow. "Redneck Ramp" and "Shadow Warrior"! Those combined with the "Blood" I bought yesterday makes me the very embodiment of the "sophisticated and intelligent" gamer.

Now THAT was sarcastic.

fortune_p_dawg: Yes, this forum is suprisingly addicting.
Very very very.....must resist the forum.... must buy a GOG game...
Miaghstir: Can't remember which track is from where right now, except my favourite from the soundtrack: Fight or Flight, which plays at the first boss.
bevinator: My favorite is "Forgiving the Plow," from the worm level. Really though, TAG has one of the best game soundtracks in years and virtually every track is great. I'm extremely glad they didn't go the route of "beeps and boops are awesome!" that seem to plague some retro indie devs.
Yes but the tracks still managed to maintaine a retro vibe, which, in my opinion, is why it worked so well.. It's tracks (in most places anyway) are like the lost lovechildren of the best SNES tracks and the best Mega Drive/Genesis tracks. And I mean that as a good thing.
Post edited December 17, 2012 by fortune_p_dawg
F4LL0UT: Ah yes, tech forums. The biggest scum holes in the galaxy. Remember how I once posted a question on one and three moderators jumped into the thread all of which complained about all kinds of stuff about my post like a bad thread title, a lack of information about the problem etc. - of course twenty assholish posts later one of them provided an answer he could have given seconds after reading my first post. Dumb fucks.
"Mos Eisley spaceport. Never will you find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy." -- Obi-Wan Kenobi, Star Wars (I flat REFUSE to use what comes after that, it's the first one from 77)

The above quote seems all too appropriate. Surprised no one else used that quote yet.
Braussie: I work in Tech support. :)

I spent 45 minutes on the phone having to guide a buisness manager how to use a mouse, the internet, and how to get to my site so I could connect to their computer and fix everything...

... I guess it's my fault for using jargon like "double click" and "move the curser" , and "click the left button on your mouse".

... I once had a customer who couldn't count past 3 before they would get confused. I asked them to count wires plugged into something, because it was critically important that all 5 wires were connected for it to work.


This thread makes me smile, lol...
Oh God, I feel so sorry for you.
Post edited December 17, 2012 by BJWanlund
BJWanlund: 'snip
The level of stupidity is infinite,
Did you know that apparently modems can bite people? The machine uprising is here people
tinyE: As I sit and write this I'm in another PC Tech forum getting my a$$ chewed off for telling one of the tech experts not to yell at or belittle the people posting questions. As the topic says, yet another reason to treasure THIS forum!
but thats the best part of the job....theres only so many times you can say "Have you tried turning it off and on again" before they stop sounding like words
Post edited December 18, 2012 by pseudonarne
pseudonarne: "Have you tried turning it off and on again"
Your #1 greeting message whenever you get a call while working in IT. :D
BJWanlund: 'snip
Thunderstone: The level of stupidity is infinite,
Did you know that apparently modems can bite people? The machine uprising is here people
Hahaha, well, once I had a surge protector "kick" me ;P (I was trying to plug in a very rebellious power cable and my pinky slipped into the slot) pinky got numb, even my arm up to the elbow.

But really, I think some people just like with everything else, start using something grasping the basic functionality that covers their needs, so when something out of that "safe zone" happens they don´t know what to do and since they lack the knowledge outside the safe zone, they are afraid of "breaking" something by going outside the safe zone. I can understand that, I was like that till the day I realized technicians (not everyone, but the ones I took the computer to) were just as bad as anyone else, so from that day on I decided to learn everything about the computer and not rely on anyone else but me.
So today I can build my computer with my eyes closed, repair it, troubleshoot hardware and software malfunctions, make half the OS work when it didn´t even boot, and I just learnt everything from deciding one day to open the case and see what was inside that thing called computer :P, then some more from the internet and my own experimentation.
I´m not even a technician (official at least) but I have repaired computers at work, built computers for my friends and family, repaired them, upgraded them, and basicly this.....

and this.............this one´s so in the spot :P
Post edited December 18, 2012 by LoboBlanco
tinyE: As I sit and write this I'm in another PC Tech forum getting my a$$ chewed off for telling one of the tech experts not to yell at or belittle the people posting questions. As the topic says, yet another reason to treasure THIS forum!
Fictionvision: Go away heathen, you probably haven't even bought Sacrifice yet!

..... like me
lol licurg will chew you alive for taking his job
Go back to Bikini Bottom.
"IT, have you tried turning it off and on again?"
Great find - it really made my day! :D. Never seen IT crowd before.

There should be a sticker(s) on every new computers:
"When in trouble - try turning it off & on again. Do that until it solves itself"
"Please do not dangle the mouse by its cord or throw it at co-workers"
"Please refrain from yelling & swearing."
"If you only see a blank screen - try turning it on"
"Remember: The copy machine is not a short-cut to fame & glory"

"DO NOT blame the computer FOR YOUR mistake"
sanscript: Great find - it really made my day! :D. Never seen IT crowd before.
Oh, I highly recommend it. It's a hilarious show.
tinyE: As I sit and write this I'm in another PC Tech forum getting my a$$ chewed off for telling one of the tech experts not to yell at or belittle the people posting questions. As the topic says, yet another reason to treasure THIS forum!
Since I don't give rep points freely to any new user (just in case it is some trading scammer with many accounts who is first trying to gather some rep points to appear dependable; not talking about you of course), all I can do is to return a compliment:

tinyE, you are great! Hardly ever do I see such nice new members in this forum! Everything in you is perfect, even the avatar (looks a bit like Space Invaders? I loved that game as a kid!).

You know, if I was female, I'd love to have your kids, providing you are male. If you are not, I guess we could still be a lesbian couple and adopt some. If I didn't have the principles about not throwing around rep points like candy to new users, I'd give you at least million plusses!

Keep up the good work!
Post edited December 18, 2012 by timppu