PenutBrittle as a Developer of Sens3s: The Art of Understanding I need to negate your opinion at least in 50%.
I'm myself running Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit edition, and on this platform I'm running my framework (Multimedia Fusion 2, and not Macromedia Fusion as you declared on your Blog) as well as developing all games. I'm also Steam user which is always working in background. Also MMF isn't DRM or even required to play the game. It is required to open the source of the game which is included in the package.
I'm working on daily basis as IT technician, and I'm testing my game on dozen machine or so to verify minimal specs as well as to beta-test as much as I can and make sure nothing goes wrong and there are no crashes.
So I'm really sorry for what happened to your HDD, but I doubt it was the game itself (explain easily how it could cause your drive to set in flames? It can happen always and it could be just mistiming). But at the same time I'm not negating the fact that it happened during playing of it. So there might be few reasons for that and I would like to ask you some questions:
What is Spec of your machine?
Have you tried to change graphic mode of game?
Have you played on FullScreen or Window Mode?
What is your native resolution?
I would appreciate any support in this case, to have a look if there is anything I can do about it.
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