DrIstvaan: (Oh, and uruk, please, don't bring in your Necromancer School. It's nothing personal, really, it's just that I prefer paladins, not to mention having a birthday to having a deathday. ;-))
Happy deathday.
Now i will let captain death and some kobolds sing you a song.I will leave you to the singing captain ,there a paladin in my dungeon that needs killing.
captainkobolddeath:all right lets sing a song.
koboldband:We make traps we make traps.
We set them up to kill them good doers who enter are caves.
We raid and pillage villages to bring items and sometimes slaves back to are master.
We worship are master.We bring master gifts and train to fight to keep are master safe.
When good doers enter are caves we fight to the death to keep are master safe.
When we do good job master reward us with a gift.
We wish you a happy birthday and hope you get many a gift.
koboldcaptaindeath:All right good job. take a break.Happy birthday form us kobolds.