Posted June 05, 2012
(skip to the dotted lines to skip my belly aching and get to the question)
I know there places where the idea of having to fend off the ever persistent progression of nature seems like some weird, easy thing that isn't worth complaining about. I used to live in one of those places. A place that was so hot green things died if they ever had the bad idea to start living in the first place.
A while back I decided I had enough of the heat and moved. Then I purchased a house, and bought all that yard working responsibility along with it. After a few years its become quite obvious I have no idea what I am doing, and the yard is winning.
Trees started springing up along the fence line, and as it turns out its not enough to cut them down. They just keep growing, and then the root gets bigger, tougher, and more suborn. I've taken a chisel and fist fulls of salt to the roots, but I still have wood stuck in the chain link I have no idea how to remove, and new stuff just keeps growing.
Then the crab grass started taking over. As soon as the hot days come it starts growing like crazy killing off all the good grass. I've tried product on it, I guess its not working because there are two inch long tufts everywhere that didn't even exist two days ago.
I wouldn't feel so bad about it, but my neighbor seems to be the neighborhood super lawn star. His lawn is perfect, pure healthy grass year round. And some how he has put up some magical barrier that keeps my crab grass from getting into his yard. The difference between
our yards shocking, and makes me wonder how its even possible we share the same dirt. I have no idea why my weed utopia hasn't started taking over his yard, but whatever he is doing it seems to work, and he seems to enjoy it, which boggles my mind.
So the question how do you feel about yard work? Its it enjoyable or a chore? What have you learned that served you well, and were there things you tried that just didn't work?
I know there places where the idea of having to fend off the ever persistent progression of nature seems like some weird, easy thing that isn't worth complaining about. I used to live in one of those places. A place that was so hot green things died if they ever had the bad idea to start living in the first place.
A while back I decided I had enough of the heat and moved. Then I purchased a house, and bought all that yard working responsibility along with it. After a few years its become quite obvious I have no idea what I am doing, and the yard is winning.
Trees started springing up along the fence line, and as it turns out its not enough to cut them down. They just keep growing, and then the root gets bigger, tougher, and more suborn. I've taken a chisel and fist fulls of salt to the roots, but I still have wood stuck in the chain link I have no idea how to remove, and new stuff just keeps growing.
Then the crab grass started taking over. As soon as the hot days come it starts growing like crazy killing off all the good grass. I've tried product on it, I guess its not working because there are two inch long tufts everywhere that didn't even exist two days ago.
I wouldn't feel so bad about it, but my neighbor seems to be the neighborhood super lawn star. His lawn is perfect, pure healthy grass year round. And some how he has put up some magical barrier that keeps my crab grass from getting into his yard. The difference between
our yards shocking, and makes me wonder how its even possible we share the same dirt. I have no idea why my weed utopia hasn't started taking over his yard, but whatever he is doing it seems to work, and he seems to enjoy it, which boggles my mind.
So the question how do you feel about yard work? Its it enjoyable or a chore? What have you learned that served you well, and were there things you tried that just didn't work?