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adambiser: I'll try to think up something for this soon. When is the deadline for entries?
We've decided that she will pick a winner each week for the next 3 weeks. All entries will be considered so the earlier they're in, the better!
QC: I once drew up a map for a fantasy land between me and my ex with trade routes and elevation markers, and some city/town markers and names, would that work?
xyem: Indeed it would. Any sort of contribution is a valid entry. If you've got an entire map, it could end up being the first bunch of new lands to be unveiled.
Well, it's the second smallest populated continant with a 5 continant planned world, so it's not much, but sure, I'll see if I can find a copy in my emails.
These would be the idea for setting for a steampunk world.

In a world were a small group of people have magic powers, starts to develop a steampunk technology.
From the begining this technology is not static, and is always evolving and improving.
This technology is every day in more use for all the activities that previously were done by people who controled magic.
Magic cannot be controlled by everyone, and it is difficult to master and requires a lot of talent. The users of magic is diminishing in each generation due to the improving of technology.
Would you leave the technology to continue evolving and decreasing the use of magic or would you try to revitalize the use of magic..

The theme would be that technology (a tangible thing) is taking over the place of magic (a natural gift).

Happy birthday Xyem!
Post edited September 08, 2012 by klaattu
i am not sure if i could say anything but happy birthday.
Happy Birthday! Not entering ^^
I'm not feeling too creative at the moment so I'm not entering, but happy birthday :)
Happy birthday.

Hrm, ideas...

I always thought it would be interesting to see an RPG played backwards (well, episodes in reverse chronological order). The plot would involve the main character having a curse that would make him feebler and feebler as time progressed, and ultimately die. Trying to work out the mechanics would probably be the trickiest part (other than being weakest in the beginning when the character is about to die and strongest at the end before he got cursed) , either it could only be done between chapters, or something like a biorhythm system where the mc would have sort of peaks and valleys in overall strength based on what sort of condition his health is currently in, etc.

The game would begin with the main character dying pathetically.

Second chapter would be the mc desperately trying to escape from his enraged enemies leading up to his death.

Third chapter would be mc not entirely quite there because of being backed into a corner (due to realizing that all his plans have failed, there's no cure or possibility of survival, he's burned all his bridges and made a lot of enemies, etc.) and decides to lash out out of unreasonable spite his against his enemies and try to get revenge on them for not helping him earlier.

Fourth chapter would be the mc realizing the gravity of his situation and not receiving any help, and he decides to take increasingly extreme and immoral measures to try and survive (say trying to steal some artifact on the chance it might cure him, but doing so would cause some disaster or mean other people would die from a plague, killing some sort of guardian, or what have you).

Fifth chapter would have him looking for a cure, and approaching his future "enemies" for one but despite trying to find ways to help him, they have to turn him down for rational reasons (that it would cause greater disaster for them). Mc becomes increasingly irritated as he's repeatedly turned down.

Last chapter is how the mc got cursed, and it turns out that it is entirely his fault (due to his arrogance or some other flaw) and not because of someone wronging him like he claimed in previous chapters.

Alternately one could go through it in chronological order and watch the mc disintegrate and become a completely unsympathetic and irrational person in order, although that would require thinking of some sort of weird method to balance backwards level progression.
Happy Birthday Xyem! Have a great day!
Happy birthday!
A world concept a female friend of mine and I came up with for a story a long time ago was as follows: In the far past, a war between mages damaged the world's climate, so that north and south were habitable, and the middle latitudes were frozen wasteland. Probably done before, but eh.

This was for a story we called Chains of Love. It's probably still floating around the 'Net somewhere; I really liked the concept we came up with, but we were also using it as a vehicle to practice writing sex scenes, which I'm a bit embarrassed about. I keep thinking I'd like to do something with the world again, but removing (or at least not graphically writing) the sex.
xyem: We've decided that she will pick a winner each week for the next 3 weeks. All entries will be considered so the earlier they're in, the better!
Thanks for letting me know. I have an idea, I just need to type it up. :)
This was originally for a sci-fi setting but I think it can easily be adapted for a medieval fantasy setting.

The idea was that a band of explorers happen upon a ruined city (castle?) on a remote planet (in a far away land?) and are forced to seek shelter in it during a storm. Looters have already stripped the place of anything even remotely valuable, but while the storm rages, they accidentally find a passage leading to catacombs under the city (castle). They would then have various adventures with the alien (magic?) artefacts, traps and creatures inhabiting the place.

I'm fine with her using it even if I don't win.

Also, happy birthday, xyem!
Post edited September 08, 2012 by Mrstarker
Happy Birthday Xyem! :)
The city of Subterria. (Name can be changed to something better, of course.)

Miles below the surface, the city is illuminated by light reflected from towers on the surface that reflect sunlight down. These towers also provide clean air and ventilation to the city while rainwater is collected and filtered. The temperature of the city stays constant.

The only entrances into the city can be found on the peaks of the hills around it and have large artificial domes built over them to prevent flooding. These domes are so large and designed in such a way that they appear to be the hill itself, and this serves to protect the entrances from detection.

The city is self-sufficient to the point that even the farming is done within large specialized rooms underground where the plants are grown using the rainwater and light brought down from the towers.
Happy b'day, Xyem! It's a bit late...Sorry, steampunk is not my thing, so I'm not entering. You're so generous, thanks for that.