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Hello guys i would like to know if any games from GoG works with xfire? If so which ones do?
And if some game is not supported, you can edit the .ini file in Xfire's directory and setup the parameters for the game to look for the files you have. Alternatively, you can simply change the name of your game's executable if it's not as known by Xfire.
It has been a while since I last logged into Xfire, but I only had such problems with a couple of games - I'm pretty sure the GoG games will not require any fiddling with .inis or the sort :)
Post edited April 12, 2009 by Marcinkonys
The problem is that most games from GOG are "emulated' via DOSBox, therefore it would be a bit difficult to code Xfire to identify which game's being run.
Dyscharge: The problem is that most games from GOG are "emulated' via DOSBox, therefore it would be a bit difficult to code Xfire to identify which game's being run.

Can't Xfire detect command line switches? if it can/could it wouldn't be so hard telling it to look for dosbox.exe -conf dosboxScreamer.conf (for Screamer), or scummvm.exe -c "G:\Games\\Beneath a Steel Sky\beneath.ini" beneath (for my installation of Beneath a Steel Sky), the path to the ini might be a problem since it apparently changes depending on where you install the game.
Post edited April 09, 2009 by Miaghstir
I think I will mess with that later tonight. and see what I can get to work.
Thanks for the help mates... Another little question. I bought far cry 1 from steam and it wont work with xfire any ideas?
thelasthomer: Thanks for the help mates... Another little question. I bought far cry 1 from steam and it wont work with xfire any ideas?

That's odd, it works perfectly with mine.
You could go into the options for Xfire and find Far Cry under the "games" tab. After that find Far Cry and manually tell it where the .exe file for Far Cry is.
That should work.
people talking about editing an ini file to get games working on xfire.. what ini file would this be? i cant see any in my xfire folder.
KrazyKain: people talking about editing an ini file to get games working on xfire.. what ini file would this be? i cant see any in my xfire folder.

Do you have Windows configured to hide the extensions of known file types or to not show hidden files (Windows defaults)? If so, that might be why you don't see an .ini file, the extension or file itself is being hidden. Click on Tools > Folder Options... then go to the View tab and change the option to show hidden files and uncheck the option to hide extensions.
KrazyKain: people talking about editing an ini file to get games working on xfire.. what ini file would this be? i cant see any in my xfire folder.

In Windows Vista (don't know about XP, so someone else would have to fill in) xfire_games.ini usually sits in C:\ProgramData\Xfire.
From analysing my xfire_games.ini I can't find much support for command line switches, but what seems to be supported (I need to do extra testing to confirm) is finding the path to the game, so for the basic installation (where DOSbox is installed with the game, if you don't uncheck it) it might work.
try editing the LauncherDirKey= line (or adding one) to where in the registry the game's install path is found, or edit LauncherDirDefault= to the path where dosbox resides, then edit the LauncherExe= line to dosbox.exe, I don't believe DetectExe= works, since it isn't run by windows directly, but rather in the emulation/translation layer that DOSbox provides, thus windows may know that the file is opened by dosbox.exe, but not that the application is being run (as if you had opened the game binary with a hex editor or whatever).
Similar actions are needed for games running under ScummVM. And most windows-native games "should" work directly if they exist in xfire's database (if they don't, like Fallout 2 for me, give Xfire the path manually through the options).
Double post, because I want to give an update to what I've found out.
BAH!, can't double post!
Most DOSbox and ScummVM games are probably not in the Xfire database, and in addition to that they're not easily detected (since they don't run directly, but through a runtime) and as such they cannot be easily added (if you manage to create a new working entry in the ini file, but your buddies will still just see that you're playing game "47843257" or whatever number you gave it, not really meaningful for anything else than launching it from the Xfire menu (where you'll see the game's name, since you have it defined in your custom ini file).
Examples: Lure of the Temptress, Teenagent.
Some native Windows games doesn't exist either and suffer from the same problem as above, except they're not running through another runtime and are easily detected and added (but your buddies don't know which game you're playing, since they just see a number).
Examples: M.D.K. 2
Some games exist, but Xfire looks for the wrong name of the game executable, or it looks for the Steam version, which is a whole other business.
Examples: Broken Sword: The Sleeping Dragon (wrong exe name, in addition to the problem below), Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee (looks for the Steam version).
What I did was:
1: find entry [5051] (Broken Sword 3) and change the LauncherExe=BS3PC.EXE line to LauncherExe=BSTSD.EXE, then add the game manually (you only tell xfire to "look for the specified exe in this folder, you don't tell it which exe file to use)
2: look for entry [5545] (Abe's oddysee) and change LauncherDirKey=HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Valve\Steam\InstallPath to LauncherDirDefault=G:\Games\\Abe's Oddysee (change to where your game is installed), changed LauncherExe=steam.exe to LauncherExe=AbeWin.exe, removed the line starting with DetectExe=, then remove -applaunch <number> from the line beginning with Launch=.
Some undetected, but existing, games are really easy, as Xfire just looks in the wrong place for the path, these need just be added manually through the Xfire options.
Examples: Fallout 2
Examples are taken from the games I have bought here, as I don't know how the other games works.
Post edited April 10, 2009 by Miaghstir
KrazyKain: people talking about editing an ini file to get games working on xfire.. what ini file would this be? i cant see any in my xfire folder.
Miaghstir: In Windows Vista (don't know about XP, so someone else would have to fill in) xfire_games.ini usually sits in C:\ProgramData\Xfire.
From analysing my xfire_games.ini I can't find much support for command line switches, but what seems to be supported (I need to do extra testing to confirm) is finding the path to the game, so for the basic installation (where DOSbox is installed with the game, if you don't uncheck it) it might work.
try editing the LauncherDirKey= line (or adding one) to where in the registry the game's install path is found, or edit LauncherDirDefault= to the path where dosbox resides, then edit the LauncherExe= line to dosbox.exe, I don't believe DetectExe= works, since it isn't run by windows directly, but rather in the emulation/translation layer that DOSbox provides, thus windows may know that the file is opened by dosbox.exe, but not that the application is being run (as if you had opened the game binary with a hex editor or whatever).
Similar actions are needed for games running under ScummVM. And most windows-native games "should" work directly if they exist in xfire's database (if they don't, like Fallout 2 for me, give Xfire the path manually through the options).
Double post, because I want to give an update to what I've found out.
BAH!, can't double post!
Most DOSbox and ScummVM games are probably not in the Xfire database, and in addition to that they're not easily detected (since they don't run directly, but through a runtime) and as such they cannot be easily added (if you manage to create a new working entry in the ini file, but your buddies will still just see that you're playing game "47843257" or whatever number you gave it, not really meaningful for anything else than launching it from the Xfire menu (where you'll see the game's name, since you have it defined in your custom ini file).
Examples: Lure of the Temptress, Teenagent.
Some native Windows games doesn't exist either and suffer from the same problem as above, except they're not running through another runtime and are easily detected and added (but your buddies don't know which game you're playing, since they just see a number).
Examples: M.D.K. 2
Some games exist, but Xfire looks for the wrong name of the game executable, or it looks for the Steam version, which is a whole other business.
Examples: Broken Sword: The Sleeping Dragon (wrong exe name, in addition to the problem below), Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee (looks for the Steam version).
What I did was:
1: find entry [5051] (Broken Sword 3) and change the LauncherExe=BS3PC.EXE line to LauncherExe=BSTSD.EXE, then add the game manually (you only tell xfire to "look for the specified exe in this folder, you don't tell it which exe file to use)
2: look for entry [5545] (Abe's oddysee) and change LauncherDirKey=HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Valve\Steam\InstallPath to LauncherDirDefault=G:\Games\\Abe's Oddysee (change to where your game is installed), changed LauncherExe=steam.exe to LauncherExe=AbeWin.exe, removed the line starting with DetectExe=, then remove -applaunch <number> from the line beginning with Launch=.
Some undetected, but existing, games are really easy, as Xfire just looks in the wrong place for the path, these need just be added manually through the Xfire options.
Examples: Fallout 2
Examples are taken from the games I have bought here, as I don't know how the other games works.

there it is.. thanks :) found it
If anyone wants it, I've made an addition to xfire_games.ini, for the few GOG titles I have:
Arx Fatalis
Beneath a Steel Sky
Beyond Good & Evil (already works, but does not run the gogwrapper.exe, the gogified entry here does)
Broken Sword II: The Smoking Mirror
Broken Sword: The Sleeping Dragon
Fallout 2
Giants: Citizen Kabuto
Lure of the Temptress
M.D.K. 2
Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee
Sacrifice (already works)
Shattered Steel
ToCA 3 (already works)
The file is here, and seems to work decently from my testing, though I haven't tried taking screenshots, chatting, or recording gameplay, only that Xfire detects the game as installed, can detect it running, and can start it.
Please respond with additional games and their settings, or at least two pieces of (relatively easy-to-find) info, so I can update the ini.
Path to shortcut in the start menu (eg. "\Abe's Oddysee\Abe's Oddysee.lnk", or "\Lure of the Temptress\Lure of the Temptress.lnk")
Shortcut's target (eg. "G:\Games\\Abe's Oddysee\AbeWin.exe" or "G:\Games\\Lure of the Temptress\ScummVM\scummvm.exe" -c "G:\Games\\Lure of the Temptress\lure.ini" lure)
Another way to help adding games to this list would of course be to gift them to me so i can install them myself :-) e-mail address being maighstir at the same domain the mentioned file sits at (only do that if you actually feel it's worth the cost though, I'm not about to rip someone off).
In addition to adding the contents of the above link to the end of your (otherwise unmodified) xfire_games.ini, you might want to have the game's icons show up. To do that, simply copy the icon from the game folder to "C:\ProgramData\Xfire\icons" on Vista, and somewhere else on XP, if the icons folder doesn't exist, just create it. When the icons are copied, you need to rename them to each game's ShortName in the file - there now it should work, happy testing and please report back with bugs and improvements.
Post edited April 11, 2009 by Miaghstir
I really like the features of Xfire (namely, the ability to track playing-time and see what your friends are playing). And my backlog of games to play is so large and varied that I only play games supported my Xfire, hoping that support will be added for the others down the road.
The Xfire team mainly focuses on the demand for support for new releases, but still adds older games when they can (Battle Realms a couple months ago). Their main problem is acquiring a legit copy and deciding which of the myriad oldies out there to work on.
I'm buying Knights & Merchants (thanks for carrying it!) this week, but would love to buy a whole bunch more G-O-Games if they were just supported by Xfire.

*If they had a distributor like GOG pushing for their games to be supported, that would probably move their titles to the top of the heap: resulting in quicker Xfire support, more purchases by me, and a very happy GOGamer. :)

(Any plans for this, GOG?)
Post edited July 09, 2009 by JDV72
I'd like to see ads for GOG on the xfire bar.